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Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:13 am
by PantherX
I started folding on 3 April 2009 under the username PantherX and used passkey. I have always used the same Passkey/Username combination on all my Clients yet on the official Stats there seems to be a serious mess up. When I search with my Username, I get 1514 WUs which is correct but when I use my passkey to search, I get 1030 WUs. That's 484 WUs missing :shock: Could somebody explain what has suddenly happened? Here are the links that I have used:
Search with Username:
( ... e=PantherX)
( ... pts=674565)
( ... t=wus&bg=3)
Search with Passkey:
( ... pts=549207)
( ... t=wus&bg=3)

I only have one desktop and one laptop for folding and haven't given out my passkey to anyone nor my username so what is the reason for such high difference? I am really concerned as I have shifted to SMP2 and want to be eligible for the bonus system. So far I have completed 4 WUs which are:
Project: 6025 (Run 1, Clone 122, Gen 74)
Project: 6025 (Run 1, Clone 129, Gen 73)
Project: 6025 (Run 1, Clone 103, Gen 74)
Project: 6012 (Run 1, Clone 425, Gen 18)

Any advice is welcomed

EDIT 1 - I checked again after the update and found that with PantherX WU increased by 2 while with the passkey, it increased by 1. Right now I am running 1 SMP2 and 1 GPU2 Nvidia on my desktop and have stopped folding on my laptop due to high temperature and maintenance required. I am willing to provide additional information so that this matter could be solved ASAP.

EDIT 2 - Now it gets really weird. My username update (1200UTC) shows an increase of 2 WUs while my passkey gets an update of only 1 WU. Now I know for a fact the SMP2 Client didn't upload any WU as it is still working. My GPU, on the other had, have finished 2 WUs so why is only one being credited with my passkey while the username gets 2 WUs. The same GPU Client that I have configured only once and didn't even change any more settings. :shock: Here is the WU list for my GPU: (Most recently uploaded to the first one done by my GPU.)
Project: 5771 (Run 8, Clone 109, Gen 291)
Project: 5782 (Run 8, Clone 4, Gen 82)
Project: 5785 (Run 3, Clone 74, Gen 134)
Project: 6604 (Run 4, Clone 241, Gen 11)
Project: 6601 (Run 10, Clone 268, Gen 6)
Project: 5768 (Run 5, Clone 141, Gen 607)
Project: 5766 (Run 12, Clone 472, Gen 299)
Project: 5767 (Run 2, Clone 106, Gen 337)
Project: 5769 (Run 0, Clone 216, Gen 1294)
Project: 5769 (Run 1, Clone 57, Gen 828)
Project: 5772 (Run 1, Clone 274, Gen 190)
Project: 5784 (Run 7, Clone 61, Gen 135)
Project: 6601 (Run 8, Clone 228, Gen 22)
Project: 5768 (Run 6, Clone 230, Gen 1639)
Project: 5766 (Run 4, Clone 110, Gen 877)
Project: 10503 (Run 143, Clone 0, Gen 41)
Project: 5781 (Run 0, Clone 349, Gen 79)
Project: 6601 (Run 3, Clone 16, Gen 17)
Project: 6603 (Run 0, Clone 435, Gen 17)
Project: 5765 (Run 1, Clone 163, Gen 235)
Project: 5772 (Run 1, Clone 358, Gen 529)
Project: 5772 (Run 0, Clone 101, Gen 123)
Project: 5770 (Run 2, Clone 111, Gen 2645)
Project: 5782 (Run 6, Clone 4, Gen 175)
Project: 10503 (Run 163, Clone 0, Gen 30)

EDIT 3- If you were to check the third party Stats, it will show a huge rise in the PPD and it is correct because I have just assembled a new system with Core i7-860 and GTX 260 Core 216 and both of them are overclocked. Also initially I was running UNI Client and have shifted to SMP2. Here are the third party links:
( ... =&u=444393)
( ... tnum=69411)

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:19 pm
by Wrish
Some of the Nvidia work units do not get recorded under a passkey. But all of the SMP2 and bigadv units to my knowledge get recorded correctly.

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:31 pm
by PantherX
Huh... that explains why I had 2 WUs for username and 1 WU for passkey. Is this a bug or something that I have missed because roughly 500WUs is kinda a big deal as they were GPU2 not UNI. Anyways, SMP2 is more important and I really hope the mod/admin could check those up.

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:29 pm
by ChelseaOilman
PantherX wrote:I am really concerned as I have shifted to SMP2 and want to be eligible for the bonus system.
Your already qualified for bonus points.

Hi PantherX (team 69411),
Your WU (P6012 R1 C425 G18) was added to the stats database on 2010-04-15 02:04:40 for 2770.65 points of credit.

I'm confident all the servers issuing WUs that are subject to the new bonus points system are keeping track of username/passkey entries. The other servers issuing non-bonus WUs don't matter, so there are probably several of them not keeping track. I'm sure if we get to a point where all WUs are bonus elegible all the servers will be keeping track.

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:37 pm
by PantherX
Well, this is weird. I started SMP2 folding for the first time on April 13 2010 and so far I have completed only 4 WUs (a3). Before SMP2 I was using Uniprocessor Client. I have been using GPU2 Client when I started Folding in April 2009. Did the requirement for bonus qualification change or is it a "bug" that is unique to me?

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:37 pm
by Wrish
I've known about this bug for months but considered it a minor detail because Nvidia GPU units don't gain any sort of bonus. viewtopic.php?f=50&t=13438. If you're curious, that disparity I reported has grown to 403 work units @ 243k points as of yesterday. I use just one Nvidia GPU, so the difference is small relative to my overall production.

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:43 pm
by PantherX
Thanks. that was useful but in your post, you stated that the Team number was either blank or zero. In my case, I, from day one, used my Team Number on all of my installs. I wonder what PG thinks about this and what are they going to do about it?

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:46 pm
by ChelseaOilman
Looks like you got bonus points for the other WUs you listed as well.

Hi PantherX (team 69411),
Your WU (P6025 R1 C122 G74) was added to the stats database on 2010-04-14 01:05:32 for 2764.21 points of credit.

Hi PantherX (team 69411),
Your WU (P6025 R1 C129 G73) was added to the stats database on 2010-04-14 09:04:59 for 2874.82 points of credit.

Hi PantherX (team 69411),
Your WU (P6025 R1 C103 G74) was added to the stats database on 2010-04-14 17:04:45 for 2812.51 points of credit.

If you haven't experimented with VMs and done a few A2 WUs it's probably just a glitch that benefits you. I qualified a different username/passkey combo recently and it took 10 A3 WUs before I got any bonus.

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:51 pm
by ChelseaOilman
PantherX wrote:I wonder what PG thinks about this and what are they going to do about it?
Do you want me to ask them to take away the bonus points? I don't think many people are complaining about getting bonus points early. The only ones that complain are the ones who think they're not getting their bonus. In almost every case I've checked they were wrong. With all the other things PG is trying to get fixed I think this is a very, very low priority issue.

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:55 pm
by PantherX
Well, I didn't experiment with VM or anything like that. I guess I am amongst the LUCKIEST few Folders :mrgreen: :lol: This is very cool. Hope it won't be considered "cheating" or anything that could potentially get me kicked out of F@H. :roll:

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:17 pm
by Wrish
but in your post, you stated that the Team number was either blank or zero.
That was a misdiagnosis. I had changed several factors like OS and client.cfg, but it seems the only relevant factor was that the server code was updated.

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:04 am
by bruce
Some of your WUs might be going in without a passkey or even with an error in the passkey entry. Also consider the possibility that somebody else has decided to fold using the name PantherX but they're not using your passkey. Anybody can contribute using the same UserName and/or the same TeamNo but as long as they don't know your passkey, those WUs won't appear in the stats that you see when you query by passkey.

The forum Mods can tell you the last WU that was credited from each of your clients, but we have no way to tell whether they used your passkey, they used somebody else's passkey or they used no passkey at all.

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:33 am
by PantherX
I check the EOC database at least 2 times a day for the last one year and I have always found that the WUs are all the ones that I have submitted. Nonetheless the possibility does exist of someone might have folded a few units under the same name.

Every one of my client uses the same passkey/username combination and all of my system are personally monitored by me and I have always copy & paste the passkey in all the clients except the SMP2 where I had to type it in and that too I double checked nevertheless I will check it by stopping the GPU Client and only running the SMP2 Client and will check the Stanford Stats.

Wrish stated that some Nvidia WUs are not registered with passkey so is this correct? If so is it a "bug" or something else that I am not aware of? Since I am getting bonus from the first a3 WU that I have ever done (no a1 or a2 WUs ever done by me), could it be possible that a typo while entering the passkey caused this? Also how can I check if I have entered the correct passkey for SMP2? Is there a username/passkey check implemented by Stanford i.e. signing into hotmail requires a valid e-mail address and correct password, failure of either one will display an error?

Here are the WUs from the SMP2:
Project: 6023 (Run 1, Clone 175, Gen 72) (11th WU)
Project: 6014 (Run 1, Clone 46, Gen 114) (10th WU)
Project: 6014 (Run 2, Clone 1, Gen 4) (9th WU)
Project: 6025 (Run 0, Clone 157, Gen 89) (8th WU)

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:53 pm
by bruce
I don't know what kind of checks the server makes with regard to whether the passkey you enter was issued by their server or if you can enter a random set of bytes. I do know that you can use and username with your passkey. The stats are based on whether a specific name and a specific passkey has completed 10 WUs. If you decide to change your user name, you can still use the old passkey but you'll need to complete a new set of 10 WUs. You're not actually signing on to anything -- you're just identifying which stats belong to that passkey.

What happens if you go to the stats page and enter only your passkey? Does the count change compared to entering both?

I don't know much about your other questions. The GPU projects don't count toward the SMP2 bonus plan and as far as I know there's really no strong reason to worry about whether they're recorded with the passkey, but I do recommend that folks start using a passkey with everything because in the long run, that's what you're going to want to do anyway. It does make sense to figure out answers for you, but there's no particular priority as long as your SMP2 bonuses make sense.

I recommend that you track the WUs that you upload during enough time-period that you'll be able to compare with your passkey-related stats frequently enough that you can establish a pattern of which projects count and which do not. Then report your findings.

Re: Why are my stats messed up?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:25 pm
by PantherX
When I search with only my passkey, I get 1084 WUs (Sun Apr 18 19:00:01 UTC 2010) it remains the same when I search with username+passkey and also when I search with username+passkey+team number. But when I search with my Username, I get the actual 1581 WUs that I have actually done in almost 1 year. As far as I can remember, I never hand any anomaly with my stats and have always been checking both Stanford and EOC database on regular bases. So far I have completed 13 a3 WUs and I have received bonus for every single one of them. I also disabled my GPU Client and only ran my SMP2 Client to track if it get recorded with the passkey and it does so I have no idea of what is going on. Every single of my Client uses the same username/passkey combination.

When the 1084 WUs are displayed (passkey only), I click on PantherX and it takes me to the page where it shows me 1581 WUs that are associated with my username. This is really weird so I am hoping to find out the reason behind it.

My GPU will be difficult to track as it finishes a lot of WUs. I do know for a fact that the WUs being dropped are from the GPU and not SMP2. I will try my best to track the GPU WUs and report which ones are dropped with the passkey.

Thanks for your help.