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Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:00 pm
by Kakao
The bziped versions of the summary files are corrupted. Don't know if they are generated that way or if the download is so slow that errors are introduced. It has been like this for the last 24 hours.

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:14 pm
by HaloJones
is that's what's breaking your wonderful stats?

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:17 pm
by Kakao
Yes, that is it. And my code is not prepared to handle the uncompressed version as it takes very long to download in my ADSL connection. And thanks for the wonderful.

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:08 am
by sortofageek
I hear a lot of praise for your stats from my team mates. They really are very well done. :)

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:57 am
by artoar_11
Already 30 hours KakaoStats not upgraded. Someone should do something. Very useful and detailed statistics. We lack. Where is the problem, in Stanford or servers Kakao?

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:09 am
by k1wi
The problem is with the bzip files that Kakao's parsing, as he says it could be the result of the connection between him and Stanford, or it might be a problem @ Stanford's end. Has anyone else tried out the bzip file? (I would attempt to, but my file DL is shaped to 5kB/s during the day).

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:47 am
by shdbcamping
k1wi wrote:The problem is with the bzip files that Kakao's parsing, as he says it could be the result of the connection between him and Stanford, or it might be a problem @ Stanford's end. Has anyone else tried out the bzip file? (I would attempt to, but my file DL is shaped to 5kB/s during the day).
Unless Kakao did a dummy thing... My money is on server. I would thing Kakao's connection has not changed. YMMV :ewink:

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:04 am
by k1wi
I managed to download the file & didn't get any problems unpacking it; there could be a problem with how it's outputting: I'm hosting the unzipped file if anyone wants to PM me I can give you the link. (don't think you'll get the whole download though - I'm on adsl lol.

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:50 am
by artoar_11
Maybe the problem is fixed. Now the statistics are updated.

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:56 am
by Kakao
k1wi, did you download this one:?

How did you test it? I do it like this:

$ bzip2 -t daily_user_summary.txt.bz2

Now I suspect the problem is on the path from Stanford to my modem since the download is very slow. This is my traceroute. If someone could interpret it:

Code: Select all

$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 (  1.606 ms  2.220 ms  2.831 ms
 2 (  25.153 ms  29.177 ms  30.635 ms
 3 (  33.889 ms  36.019 ms  41.432 ms
 4 (  186.526 ms  190.685 ms  191.641 ms
 5 (  195.159 ms  199.537 ms *
 6 (  204.658 ms  165.735 ms (  166.879 ms
 7 (  195.720 ms (  197.740 ms (  200.513 ms
 8 (  240.064 ms (  241.837 ms (  245.686 ms
 9 (  262.651 ms (  266.343 ms (  268.471 ms
10  * (  273.915 ms *
11 (  280.537 ms  283.880 ms  243.465 ms
12  boundarya-rtr.Stanford.EDU (  311.614 ms  312.332 ms  312.174 ms
13  * * *
14  * * *
15  * * *
16  * * *
17  * * *
18  * * *
19  * * *
20  * * *
21  * * *
22  * * *
23  * * *
24  * * *
25  * * *
26  * * *
27  * * *
28  * * *
29  * * *
30  * * *

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:34 am
by P5-133XL
A trace route is not going to be able to find the link that is corrupting a transmission. Too little data is being transfered. All you will be able to determine is the path taken; how long it took; and if someone dropped the ping.

The first thing to be done if you find corruption is simply download it a second time. With a little luck, the issue was temporary and won't happen a second time. If both files are identical then most likely the corruption was from the source (Stanford). If the files differ then it is likely that the problem occurred after the file left Stanford.

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:37 am
by toTOW
Cogent :roll: ... I also have many troubles with many sites hosted on their network ...

My route looks like yours as soon as I get out of my ISP network and move on cogent one :

Code: Select all

Détermination de l'itinéraire vers []
avec un maximum de 30 sauts :

  1     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2    43 ms    42 ms    43 ms [90.
  3    43 ms    43 ms    42 ms
  4    42 ms    43 ms    42 ms []
  5    49 ms    49 ms    49 ms []
  6    56 ms    56 ms    57 ms
  7    57 ms    56 ms    56 ms [193.251.128.
  8    56 ms    55 ms    55 ms [193.251.129.
  9    56 ms    56 ms    56 ms []
 10   137 ms   139 ms   140 ms [154.54
 11   175 ms   177 ms   177 ms [154.54.29.
 12   181 ms   182 ms   179 ms [154.54
 13     *        *        *     Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé.
 14     *      228 ms     * [154.54.28.
 15   217 ms   219 ms   220 ms [66.250
 16   227 ms   228 ms   227 ms  bnda-rtr-1.Stanford.EDU []
 17     *        *        *     Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé.
 18     *        *        *     Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé.
 19     *        *        *     Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé.
 20   222 ms   220 ms   219 ms  vspm27.Stanford.EDU []

Itinéraire déterminé.

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:47 am
by HaloJones

Code: Select all

Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé.
gotta love French computer error messages!

Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:29 am
by k1wi
Hey Kakao - I saw your site's message. I hope you can get it fixed without too much work. It's a great service.


Re: Bziped summary files corrupted

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:00 pm
by HaloJones
Ditto. Nothing bad about the other stats sites but I just like yours better. I hope this can be resolved for you. Can you detail the specific problem you have with the downloaded files and maybe someone here can host them for you as a relay to avoid the issue?

try this: ... ry.txt.bz2