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Project: 6326 (Run 0, Clone 82, Gen 13) EARLY_UNIT_END

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:46 am
by amuro.ID

After only completed about 9 % if this WU, i got EARLY_UNIT_END error.
Here's the log :

[19:39:23] Completed 225000 out of 2500000 steps (9%)
[19:40:38] Quit 101 - Fatal error:
[19:40:38] Step 228379, time 65456.8 (ps) LINCS WARNING
[19:40:38] relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
[19:40:38] max 0.001220 (between atoms 148 and 149) rms 0.000141
[19:40:38] Simulation instability has been encountered. The run has entered a
[19:40:38] state from which no further progress can be made.
[19:40:38] This may be the correct result of the simulation, however if you
[19:40:38] often see other project units terminating early like this
[19:40:38] too, you may wish to check the stability of your computer (issues
[19:40:38] such as high temperature, overclocking, etc.).
[19:40:38] Going to send back what have done.
[19:40:38] logfile size: 16353
[19:40:38] - Writing 17035 bytes of core data to disk...
[19:40:38] Done: 16523 -> 3997 (compressed to 24.1 percent)
[19:40:38] ... Done.
[19:40:39] Folding@home Core Shutdown: EARLY_UNIT_END
[19:40:40] CoreStatus = 72 (114)
[19:40:40] Sending work to server

[19:40:40] + Attempting to send results
[19:40:40] - Reading file work/wuresults_06.dat from core
[19:40:40] (Read 4509 bytes from disk)
[19:40:40] Connecting to
[19:40:41] Posted data.
[19:40:41] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~5 kB/s
[19:40:41] - Averaged speed for that direction ~11 kB/s
[19:40:41] + Results successfully sent
[19:40:41] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

I've already completed hundreds of uniprocessor WU. This is the 1st time i got this.
Any idea ?

Re: Project: 6326 (Run 0, Clone 82, Gen 13) EARLY_UNIT_END

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:18 am
by bruce
Several people also had trouble with that WU, but one person was able to complete it so it shouldn't be assigned again.

Re: Project: 6326 (Run 0, Clone 82, Gen 13) EARLY_UNIT_END

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:17 am
by amuro.ID
I see.
Thanks, bruce :)