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Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:56 pm
by RAH
I have noticed that the passkey controls quite a few items having to do with F@H.
Not sure what all.
But I would like a listing of everything, as to if I want it on my machine.

No need to go into it, you can PM me the listing, and I will not pass it on.

Thank you

Re: Passkey

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:06 am
by 7im
Passkeys control nothing. It's just a new unique client identifier, not much different than a driver's license number. And It only enables some new features. Like getting you in to a bar to have a drink, which has nothing to do with the actual number. ;)

It's a short list.

Client identifier. Can be used to protect your account in case of identity questions. Optional.
Quick Return Bonus qualifier. Required.