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Stats db migration in progress

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:29 pm
by VijayPande
We've talked about this for some time, but now's the time to start the migration to the new stats db hardware. We are doing it now and everything looks ok so far. We are keeping several safeguards in place in case there is a problem.

If there is a problem with the stats, please bear with us. There are several links we need to update and it's possible that a link is still pointing to the old db. Also, in case of emergency, we are keeping track of all the new stats from this point in a special place, so even in the worst case scenario, we can just go back to the old db and input all the new stats into it.

So, the stats will be down for a bit and there may be some inconsistencies for a day or so while we get all the links updated. The good news is that we'll have much faster stats soon, which will be great for all of us.

Please see my blog ( for additional details as they come up.