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Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:52 pm
by MichaelO
I have recently been getting project 5781, 5786, etc. and these are not listed in the Project Summary. Because of this some of the monitoring programs are picking these up as Unknown for points, etc.
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:15 am
by CBT
Same here for Project 5785.
5787 and up are listed, but this is not.
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:48 am
by bruce
Each server has a limited supply of WUs for several projects. When a result is returned, an new Gen of that trajectory is created based on the results of the previous Gen and it is then available for assignment. When one WU for each trajectory has been assigned, the server has to assign a different project or you must get an assignment from a different server. The server does not make duplicate assignments unless the result fails to be returned by the deadline.
This "every WU is important" concept is basic to the design of FAH. It's also why we insist that you should never discard a WU if there is any way for you to complete it. Yes, sometime things do happen to WUs, but then the server has to wait for it to expire before recovering.
You are seeing the results of that policy when you look at psummary. When a server cannot assign WUs from a particular project, the data may disappear from psummary (depending on the status of the project at the moment that the script that generates psummary runs) only to reappear after some results are returned.
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:49 pm
by VijayPande
I've passed this along to the developer who wrote the updated psummary scripts. He has tried to streamline psummary, but this is not the way it should work. I've reminded him that any WU that's out in donors hands should appear in psummary.
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:46 pm
by MichaelO
VijayPande wrote:I've passed this along to the developer who wrote the updated psummary scripts. He has tried to streamline psummary, but this is not the way it should work. I've reminded him that any WU that's out in donors hands should appear in psummary.
Thanks Vijay. The HFM monitoring software that forecasts the new A3 WU's while monitoring is where I have seen this so this correction will be great.
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:40 pm
by leexgx
how does FAHmon (needs updating for scores for the A3 units) and fayspy get the info as that one is working fine, they must be using an alternative way of getting that info
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:51 pm
by Bastien
leexgx wrote:how does FAHmon (needs updating for scores for the A3 units) and fayspy get the info as that one is working fine, they must be using an alternative way of getting that info
FahMon is caching this information, fahspy I'm not sure. HFM does not cache afaik.
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:32 pm
by CBT
I see this problem in FAHmon.
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:02 am
by tonic
I agree, adding info for these WUs to psummary would be incredibly helpful.
Thanks Vijay

Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:50 am
by Mr. Scary
so are 'we' making any headway on getting these 578x's in the summary so fahmon and read out properly???????
I can't imagine it takes that much to update the summary. these puppies are flyin' out on the assignment server(s)!
If they are such a hot new item, let's get 'em fixed!!! huh?????
VJ-appreciate you passing it along but if he/they aren't doin' anything about it,,,,,??????? Can i help out in any way??
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:39 am
by MacAttack
Sooooooo, again, what's the word?
I just put another rig together that'll be good for maybe 25-30K ppd.
Why the heck can't we either get a response or the project summary page updated!
I know it's about the science and all,,,,,but,,,it'd be nice if people could see what science they are producing!!!!!
Day after day the 'unkown' pops up! Get on the stick here guys!
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:43 am
by toTOW
For those who don't have all WUs listed, I've put my Fahmon project list online. Put it into "Document and Setting/<utilisateur_windows>/Application Data/Fahmon/config" for XP (or the Vista equivalent, but I don't have the full path), after stopping Fahmon. (updated on February 2nd)
You can then restart Fahmon. This file should include all current WUs (and the very famous p578x)

Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:06 am
by shdbcamping
I know that this will sound somewhat odd coming from me,,,,,, But
I've learned that I can trust Pande Group to get me the correct Points for the WU's I've turned. Sometimes it may take a bit, but it's all good. I LOVE to see the points, but that's not why I fold.
Where the points go, Holler when you think you're getting ripped off. We all can do the math when the stuff isn't on FahMon or whatever. We just need to ask ourselves..... Is it the points or is it the science. If it's the points, theres a lot better ways to spend your electricity.... and it won't bog Pande down.
Sorry if that was a bit much,
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:16 am
by CBT
For me this has nothing to do with (not) trusting Pande-group for giving me the points that I'm entiteled to. I just want to monitor what's going on, while the WU's are being processed, not just afterwards. If one of my clients fails, I want to know as soon as possible, so I can intervene. Both for putting out as much 'science' as possible with my equipment, and for maximizing my points.
It's just a small change to their scripts that feed one specific webpage. And I'm simply waiting (patiently) for it to be fixed.
It's not a major problem, it just needs some improvement. So lets keep our tones down a bit.
Re: Add Missing 578x Projects to the Project Summary
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:34 am
by Mr. Scary
+1 Sean!!!!
Absolutely nothing about a trust issue for me either. i so agree that going on a week is a bit long to change the scripts on the web page! i'm trying in my ignorant state to figure out how to make what toTow posted up. I'm running vista and fahmon and i'm a bit lost still, pardon my being slow! i'm used to clicking in the preferances and making sure that 'site/webpage' is listed properly. Seriously, let's get it updated and be done,,,,,huh PG???????
if Totow or someone else knowledgeable could direct me a bit more in depth on how and WHERE to use that thingy toTow posted,,,,that would really be great and a big help!
sorry for the rant, but yes i do fold for the science!! but if anyone really thinks they don't look at their ppd for pleasure or at least to see what's goin' on production wise with a monitoring program,,,,,,they are kidding themselves and the rest of us as well!!!