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SMP on a Desktop-machine

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:50 pm
by Teewurst
Hello, guys.

I'm sorry that I have to ask a stupid question: How can I manage it that I run a FAH version for Linux that supports 8 cores and doesn't make trouble, when I shut down my PC after about 5 hours? Is there a "clean" way to shut down the SMP version? I have noticed that the SMP-FAH doesn't go well with shutting down the PC with "init 0". It allways makes Errors after about 5 times shutting down. (Like Corestatus FF (255) 0xff).

I hope you understand my problem.

Greetings, Teewurst

Re: SMP on a Desktop-machine

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:18 pm
by Zagen30
The proper way to shut down F@h console clients, such as the Linux SMP client, is to hit Ctrl+C on the open console. I'm assuming you're starting the client through a terminal; if so, don't close that terminal once it's running, just minimize it if you don't want to see it. When you're ready to shut down your computer, bring it up, and hit Ctrl+C. After 5-10 seconds you should see a number of outputs that say something like "[0]1:Return code = 0, signaled with Quit". Once those come up, the client has fully shut down, and it's safe to turn off your computer.

Re: SMP on a Desktop-machine

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:50 pm
by Teewurst
Yeah... I knew that with Ctrl + C but this only works if you have your client started manually. And I don't know if it will work with the SMP-version. But I want to start my SMP-client as a service (e.g. by /etc/rc.d/rc.local). Is there a way to do that?

I want, that the a FAH-client, which supports 8 cores, starts at boot time and doesn't have a problem with me shutting my PC down. Is there something like a command that I can put into my /etc/rc.d/rc.0 to make the client have a proper shutdown? Remember: I want to use all of my 8 cores!!

The last configuration (which produced errors when I shut down the PC) was that I had the SMP-client installed and started it with a little script from my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. So I wasn't starting the client over a console and I don't wan to do that.
The problem would not be the console-window. I can live with that.

Greetigs, Teewurst