qd output:
Code: Select all
qd released 17 February 2008 (fr 063)
Queue version 5.01
Current index: 2
Index 3: empty
Index 4: empty
Index 5: empty
Index 6: empty
Index 7: empty
Index 8: empty
Index 9: empty
Index 0: empty
Index 1: ready for upload 217.00 pts (8.955 pt/hr) 60.4 X min speed
server:; project: 2585, "p2585_BBA5"
Folding: run 68, clone 87, generation 5; benchmark 8596; misc: 500, 400
issue: Sun Feb 10 18:26:51 2008; begin: Sun Feb 10 13:26:55 2008
end: Mon Feb 11 13:40:49 2008; due: Fri Apr 11 14:26:55 2008 (61 days)
preferred: Sat Mar 22 14:26:55 2008 (41 days)
core URL: http://www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/Core_79.fah (V1.91)
CPU: 1,2000 AMD x86; OS: 1,7 Win2K
assignment info (le): Sun Feb 10 18:26:52 2008; A41B7905
CS:; upload failures: 19; P limit: 5241856
user: wyang; team: 42369; ID: D4394F3E2B14F60A; mach ID: 3
work/wudata_01.dat file size: 645422; WU type: Folding@Home
Index 2: folding now 343.00 pts (0.118 pt/hr) 0.791 X min speed; 5% complete
server:; project: 3619, "p3619_Seq26_Amber03_Native"
Folding: run 3, clone 16, generation 9; benchmark 8604; misc: 500, 102
issue: Mon Feb 11 19:27:19 2008; begin: Mon Feb 11 14:27:21 2008
expect: Thu Jun 12 00:50:00 2008; due: Sat May 17 15:27:21 2008 (96 days)
preferred: Tue Apr 15 15:27:21 2008 (64 days)
core URL: http://www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/Core_81.fah (V1.10)
CPU: 1,2000 AMD x86; OS: 1,7 Win2K
tag: P3619R3C16F9
assignment info (le): Mon Feb 11 19:27:18 2008; A41A99CB
CS:; P limit: 5241856
user: wyang; team: 42369; ID: D4394F3E2B14F60A; mach ID: 3
work/wudata_02.dat file size: 364941; WU type: Folding@Home
Average download rate 505.181 KB/s (u=2); upload rate 238.194 KB/s (u=4)
Performance fraction 0.983448 (u=1)
Average pph: 1.378, ppd: 33.08, ppw: 231.5, ppy: 12081
The message in my first post indicates WU being completed 2/11; my guess would then be that it was issued no earlier than 2/9. Based on the above debug output, it looks like it should actually be project 2585.
I'm not sure how to disable "use IE settings", but based on the above output it looks like the one its trying to retransmit is the same one you are seeing as being added for 0 points.