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Deleting WU from about to be retired computer?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:10 am
by lambchops468
I am about to put one of my computers out of commission and thus have to stop its folding, so is it better to leave the FAH client running until it finishes the current WU (which might take a week?) or just delete it now? Deleting it won't harm anything because FAH distributes multiple copies of the same WU to different nodes right?

Re: Deleting WU from about to be retired computer?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:07 am
by John_Weatherman
Best to let it run and complete the work. Use the oneunit flag, see ... guide.html then it will not download more work.

Re: Deleting WU from about to be retired computer?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:13 am
by bruce
FAH occasionally distributes multiple copies of the same WU to different nodes, but they try really hard to avoid it, since it represents work that is unnecessarily duplicated and they need a lot more work completed than they actually get.

You have three options.
1) All WUs have two deadlines, a "preferred" and a "final" Any WU which is not returned before the Preferred Deadline is assumed to be lost and it will be reassigned no matter what you do. If your computer is especially slow and this is going to happen anyway, you might as well just quit and forget it.
2A) If you can complete the WU before the preferred deadline, that's the best, but you would want to use item 2B, below, to prevent the assignment of a new WU.
2B) If you restart the client with the -oneunit flag (or you use the "pause when done" option in the GUI client and then upload the result with -send all) you can prevent a new WU from being assigned.
3) If the completion date is just too far in the future, you can abandon the work now. Nothing will happen until the Preferred Deadline, of course, but Stanford understands the nature of voluntary contributions and sometimes that's all a person is willing to contribute. They'll understand if that's your decision.