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Team name taken

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:13 pm
by Tilmitt
Hi all, my friends want to make a team together and we want to call it "The Group". But when we try to register that name it says that this name is too similar to "THE GROUP" which is taken already and so we can't use that name. I looked up this team and it has 0 points and no members! I think it's a bit unfair that someone can go register a name that's slightly different to the one we really really want and never use it yet deny us the ability to use it.

So I was wondering does anyone know if it's possible to get some person at folding@home to delete this never used team so we can use our slightly different name? Or alternatively just enable us to the use the slightly different name anyway. I doubt it but thought I'd ask in any case.

Re: Team name taken

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:28 am
by v00d00
Try pm'ing MstrBlstr, and he should be able to give you some sort of idea.

I think if the teamname was reserved in the last few months then the answer will definetly be no, but if it was reserved 3 years back and never used, then i dont know.

Re: Team name taken

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:54 am
by Cajun_Don
How about naming it The Friends Group?