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pamphlets, fliers, handouts, something on paper...?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:00 pm
by JonesZen

let me open by giving respek to all who make F@H possible, really dig the mood musics. Basically what i'm interested in obtaining is any sort of written material to help promote F@H. Specifically, the specs for what folding can accomplish on the p3.

Currently i am an assistant manager at a Gamestop, and with the holiday season looming, i/we are poised to sell a lot of p3's, and i want to make sure everyone who gets a p3 is aware of folding. i'm in a unique position within our company, and i am simply blown away that we are not promoting folding at all, and i aim to change that.

Just a lil background, majored in computer engineering at Columbia, NY, liberal arts at AACC, mathmatics and philosophy at the Univ of Maryland. I have the knowledge, the network, the charisma and the drive to make this happen.

havent had the chance to browse and research these forums yet, but if anyone would oblige me some quick links to any fun facts/info/etc, i'd much appreciate it. ~simply JonesZen :eugeek:

Re: pamphlets, fliers, handouts, something on paper...?

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:01 pm
by MtM
Uhm, the info is available on the forums. The technical stuff has been debated when the client came to light, if you want specific info just ask and I'll dig it up in a second using the forums search.

I think I mean to say that you need to be specific, then you can get a specific answer.

Btw impressive resume for a assistent manager at a Gamestop!

Though if you really want to promote folding, ps3 is not the workhorse of the project, or should I say the client with the most throughput. That would be Gpu, a ps3 get's about 900ppd last time I checked, a top nvidia card can do allot more. Even a low class nvidia such as an old 9600gso will put up a multitude of the ps3's productivity. And, the bigadv work units for multi core cpu's ( preferably 8, i7 with ht get's nice results ) put the gpu's to shame in turn.

The ps3 cell cpu is good at folding, as it's fast and modular, but it's not as modular as the cpu client, nor as fast as the gpu client. It's a nice mix of both, and the latest incarnation of the ps3 was abit friendlier on the wall outlet while folding as well ( again, it's all on the forums, just search abit or ask specific questions I'm sure some of us will do the searching for you as we don't mind and would love any contribution from your side to give the project some good PR!

Good luck with the endavour, and as said, ask specifics

Re: pamphlets, fliers, handouts, something on paper...?

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:18 pm
by bollix47
A place to start regarding folding would be:

Near the bottom of the page you'll find a link to an Executive Summary in PDF format which makes a nice handout for general info. :ewink: