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Project: 5744 (Run 1, Clone 6, Gen 574)

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:42 pm
by SidVicious
Bad WU, instant EUE, kept being reissued to me until the dreaded "Pausing 24 hours."

Really, whoever thought that stopping a client for 24 hour was a great idea need to be publicly flogged with a rubber chicken at a PG press conference !

Oh, I expect that this WU will still be out in the wild until mid Q1 '10

Code: Select all

[10:34:10] Preparing to commence simulation
[10:34:10] - Looking at optimizations...
[10:34:10] - Created dyn
[10:34:10] - Files status OK
[10:34:10] - Expanded 68466 -> 357580 (decompressed 522.2 percent)
[10:34:10] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=68466 data_size=357580, decompressed_data_size=357580 diff=0
[10:34:10] - Digital signature verified
[10:34:10] Project: 5744 (Run 1, Clone 6, Gen 574)
[10:34:10] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[10:34:10] Entering M.D.
[10:34:16] Tpr hash work/wudata_04.tpr:  3036552476 1826283706 2930555241 3274968556 2291782333
[10:34:16] Working on Protein
[10:34:17] Client config found, loading data.
[10:34:17] Starting GUI Server
[10:34:21] mdrun_gpu returned 
[10:34:21] SHAKE violations on GPU
[10:34:21] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
[10:34:24] CoreStatus = 7A (122)
[10:34:24] Sending work to server
[10:34:24] Project: 5744 (Run 1, Clone 6, Gen 574)
[10:34:24] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[10:34:24] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_04.dat
[10:34:24] - Error: Could not read unit 04 file. Removing from queue.
[10:34:24] EUE limit exceeded. Pausing 24 hours.

Re: Project: 5744 (Run 1, Clone 6, Gen 574)

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:08 am
by mathwhiz
I just got caught by this WU as well. Same results - instant EUE.

Re: Project: 5744 (Run 1, Clone 6, Gen 574)

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:56 pm
by mathwhiz
I just got caught by this one again.

Re: Project: 5744 (Run 1, Clone 6, Gen 574)

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:42 am
by bapriebe
Same symptoms here.

Re: Project: 5744 (Run 1, Clone 6, Gen 574)

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:57 am
by bruce
I've asked the project owner to stop this WU.