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Negative points?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:29 pm
by BigJohnD
Apologies if there's an FAQ about this but I couldn't find it, and search didn't produce much.

(Screen capture from Kakaostats: )

Can anyone explain the minus score and then the almost immediate correction?
It is in fact two units, each of 424 points, which I can't quite figure out either, as I thought it corresponded with one unit worked on by my laptop over several days.

Many thanks, John.

Re: Negative points?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:45 pm
by 7im
Looks like either a correction that stanford made, or one that kakao corrected.

I see the exact same number of points the very next update. Too much of a coincidence, imo.

Re: Negative points?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:11 am
by kiore
I got exactly the same thing minus points for that period and then added the next, kakoa was stuck for a few hours yesterday so looks like their correction.