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Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:21 pm
by azflying
I have another post in the Hardware Forum about my project of giving computers to individuals for the dedicated use of Folding@Home. I want to get a sense from the community of how many people would be willing to use their electricity and bandwidth if they were given a dedicated computer for this purpose. After 3-4 years the computer would be given to the individual for their use.

I appreciate your response.

Best Regards,

Jeff O'Malley

Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:29 pm
by jrweiss
It would have to be a relatively new computer, though, so the PPD/Watt is reasonable -- no P3 or P4 or PD clunkers!

Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:38 pm
by azflying
These computers would be new computers with most likely the I7 architecture processors. I have a post in the Hardware Forum about specs, etc.


Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:49 pm
by toTOW
I wouldn't trust people about what they claim : what will prove that they respect their promise of running the machine 24/7 on FAH ? :?

Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:23 pm
by azflying

That is a great point. I'm not sure how we make sure that they computer is being used 24/7 for folding. Again, I am not very technical but maybe the computer could be locked out for the 3-4 years so that it is managed on my side. The end-user would have limited usage of the computer during that time. I am not looking for people who just want a free computer but people who want to be a part of Folding@Home and are willing to pay for the electricity and internet usage. I am supplying the computer and they are supplying the electricity and internet.


Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:27 pm
by toTOW
Another question : will you allow them to fold under the Username they want and the team they like, or will they have no control on that ?

And of course, who will manage the machines and check if everything is folding fine ? (this relates to my previous remark about checking if they honor they promise).

Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:36 pm
by Ravage7779
Hmmm, I'd be on board with that if I can fold under my current team and user name. My basement is nice and cool.

Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:48 pm
by azflying
toTOW wrote:Another question : will you allow them to fold under the Username they want and the team they like, or will they have no control on that ?

And of course, who will manage the machines and check if everything is folding fine ? (this relates to my previous remark about checking if they honor they promise).
These computers would run under my team, which is the same team that my large cluster will run under. I haven't thought about usernames but I don't see any reason they can't have a unique username of their own.

Managing the machines will take place by my IT people who will be managing the cluster.


Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:51 pm
by azflying
Ravage7779 wrote:Hmmm, I'd be on board with that if I can fold under my current team and user name. My basement is nice and cool.
I'm sure everyone would be onboard if they got a free computer to fold and add to their points, :D but the points will go towards the foundation's team. They will be able to see their points obviously based on the username.

Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:01 am
by bruce
How about buying a bunch of the new PS3s on the condition that they be left on and folding whenever no games are being played. You'd have plenty of applications for one of the new low-power version. Your "customer" gets the immediate use of a game console and they donate the over-night electricity to FAH.

Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:05 am
by azflying
bruce wrote:How about buying a bunch of the new PS3s on the condition that they be left on and folding whenever no games are being played. You'd have plenty of applications for one of the new low-power version. Your "customer" gets the immediate use of a game console and they donate the over-night electricity to FAH.
Interesting idea...I need to give some thought to that. The first thing that comes to mind is, how do I know if they are letting it fold. I would hate to buy a bunch of PS3's for people to play on and then they don't fold.

Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:09 am
by ArVee
It would show in the stats (or fail to) under your team name/number. You'd just have to track usernames. Obviously that applies to whatever vehicle is used to do the folding.

Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:54 am
by jrweiss
azflying wrote:Managing the machines will take place by my IT people who will be managing the cluster.
What management tool will you use? How will it integrate with a normal dynamic IP address in a home, without enabling access to any other computers or devices on the home net?

Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:05 am
by codysluder
Who owns the computer, or more precicely, when does the legal title transfer?

Your poll may be biased because it doesn't give all the information. If you asked who would donate their electricity you didn't specify whether I would be forced to use your team number or if I could use my own. Changing that assumption might move about half of the votes from one category to the other. Some people are completely altruistic about FAH and others are very much into the points competition.

Would you expect to get it back from somebody who takes it on one pretense and then doesn't follow your "rules"

Re: Dedicated Folding Computer Poll

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:02 am
by MtM
Good points, I voted yes, but now I'm considering saying no only because it's not my thing to boost someone else's stats ( or team ). I think your foundation would have enough pr material without the need to have points accumulating.

It's a donor who pays for electricity.. You do realise running costs outweigh investment costs over those 4 years for allot of people. Yes, anyone likes to be given something, but this gift costs allot and you're taking the most important secondary incentive to fold away from people, their points!