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Newb questions

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:20 am
by wibby50
I am new to F@H, and I have a few questions about the computer F@H and PS3 version. Firstly, I noticed on the PS3, there are about 8 display modes like B&S, Spacefill, Caviar etc. On the computer version, theres only B&S and spacefill. Is there a way to unlock or gain the other displays? My other question is about the PS3. When I go to display modes, I can choose every one execpt Backbone? Do I need to unlock it somehow? Same thing with the music. I can only choose None and Reccomended. Do I need to unlock it somehow?

Re: Newb questions

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:36 am
by RAH
The FAH cpu client is still limited at this time. Hopefully being updated soon. Should be close to the PS3.

As far as you music goes, have you tried the "X" and arrows, written here
scroll down to PS3.

Re: Newb questions

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:53 am
by wibby50