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My new team is empty.... for 2 hours.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:57 pm
:e?: :cry: :x team 166158
My new team stats are empty.
It seems there is nobody in team.
My personal score is empty too.
But I folded 1 WU.
Please help...there should be at least 4 people .
but its simply empty list.

Fast Teampage returns not found :cry:

Re: My new team is empty.... for 2 hours.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:09 pm
by 314159
Be patient.
It takes a little time for the stats server to credit these WUs.
Your four members will all show up once they have each submitted at least one WU each (and the stats server has updated the file).

Happy folding!

Re: My new team is empty.... for 2 hours.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:41 pm
thank you for fast reply :mrgreen:
good to see these words :D
but why were previous results for team 0 almost instatnly online on stats?? :P strange, so It confused me...

Re: My new team is empty.... for 2 hours.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:55 pm
by susato
The stats update every 2-3 hours. It could be that your earlier work unit credited to team 0 was received just before a stats update, and your latest work unit for your new team was received just after a stats update and had to wait for the entire interval before posting.

I'm trying to check your stats in the moderators' database but it's very very slow right now -- which probably indicates that the server is busy processing the unit in question :). If it doesn't show up in a few more hours, please post here or drop me a pm.

Edited in: Your results are in! admin_cpu-rip put up this work unit: Project: 5765 (Run 6, Clone 119, Gen 120) at 2009-06-06 10:42:35 (Stanford server time, UTC - 700). Your teammate Joudacz also put up a WU for the team.

And also (odd that 314159 didn't say this, it is his favorite thing to say) WELCOME to the forum - we are delighted to have you here! Happy folding and posting to you and your new team.

Re: My new team is empty.... for 2 hours.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:21 pm
I can see now....
Thanks to all (díky človíčci... in my native :D)

Re: My new team is empty.... for 2 hours.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:09 pm
by 314159

I did miss the salutation in my haste in responding. :(

So Welcome to the Forums! (for your entire new team!) :!:

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:47 am
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: