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Gage somewhere where you can see how much is computed?

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:47 pm
by johjoh68
Hello everybody
Is there a gage where you can see how much is computed at this very time and moment? Is there a possibility to view which country is contributing more than others? Would be fun to view ...just to get you a bit competative

Re: Gage somewhere where you can see how much is computed?

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 1:26 pm
by Zagen30
Well, this page ... pe=osstats estimates the current production of the project as a whole. The only issue with that page is that the definitions of "active" hardware can be rather loose (i.e. a CPU is considered active if it's returned something in the past 50 days). That looseness is necessary due to the fact that not everyone runs all of their machines 24/7 for F@h, and some work (like most of the uniprocessor WUs) can have long deadlines. I don't think it's possible to get an exact measure of current folding power since everyone's machines are not actively connected to Stanford's servers (you only connect to upload completed WUs and download new ones), and without that all you can relaly go on is unique processors that have returned work in x number of days.

Not sure about contributions by country. This page shows the location of contributor IP addresses by location, but I don't know if they actively keep TFLOPS info sorted by region.