Page 7 of 7

Re: Noob hardware advice, please

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:25 am
by BuddhaChu
Slowride wrote:...Apparently the test wasn't acknowledging my flags so, I guess I need help running the test on another of the GPUs. I read the "readme" file, still can't get it to run on a different GPU.
Per the MemtestG80 README:
To run MemtestG80 on a GPU other than the first, use the --gpu or -g flags,
passing the index of the GPU to test (starting at zero). For example, to run
MemtestG80 on the third GPU in a system:

Code: Select all

MemtestG80 --gpu 2
BTW, this is the program's help from the command line:

Code: Select all

     |                      MemtestG80 v1.00                     |
     |                                                           |
     | Usage: memtestG80 [flags] [MB GPU RAM to test] [# iters]  |
     |                                                           |
     | Defaults: GPU 0, 128MB RAM, 50 test iterations            |
     | Amount of tested RAM will be rounded up to nearest 2MB    |

      Available flags:
        --gpu N ,-g N : run test on the Nth (from 0) CUDA GPU
        --license ,-l : show license terms for this build
        --forcecomm, -f : DO send test results to Stanford  (don't prompt)
        --bancomm, -b : DO NOT send test results to Stanford  (don't prompt)
        --ramclock X , -r X: Specify RAM clock speed (for returned results) as X MHz
        --coreclock X , -c X: Specify core/ROP clock speed (for returned results) as X MHz

Re: Noob hardware advice, please

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:45 am
by Slowride
This was the most recent log before I shut the client down. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

Code: Select all

ting to assignment server
[04:42:00] - Successful: assigned to (
[04:42:00] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[04:42:00] Loaded queue successfully.
[04:42:01] + Could not connect to Work Server
[04:42:01] - Attempt #5  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[04:43:31] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:43:31] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:43:32] - Successful: assigned to (
[04:43:32] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[04:43:32] Loaded queue successfully.
[04:43:33] + Could not connect to Work Server
[04:43:33] - Attempt #6  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[04:46:20] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:46:20] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:46:20] - Successful: assigned to (
[04:46:20] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[04:46:21] Loaded queue successfully.
[04:46:21] + Could not connect to Work Server
[04:46:21] - Attempt #7  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

--- Opening Log file [February 8 04:51:14 UTC] 

# Windows GPU Console Edition #################################################

                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.23



Launch directory: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Folding@home-gpu
Arguments: -gpu 0 

[04:51:14] - Ask before connecting: No
[04:51:14] - User name: Slowride (Team 45435)
[04:51:14] - User ID: 
[04:51:14] - Machine ID: 1
[04:51:14] Work directory not found. Creating...
[04:51:14] Could not open work queue, generating new queue...
[04:51:14] Initialization complete
[04:51:14] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[04:51:14] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:51:14] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:51:15] - Successful: assigned to (
[04:51:15] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[04:51:15] Loaded queue successfully.
[04:51:16] + Could not connect to Work Server
[04:51:16] - Attempt #1  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[04:51:21] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:51:21] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:51:22] - Successful: assigned to (
[04:51:22] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[04:51:22] Loaded queue successfully.
[04:51:23] + Could not connect to Work Server
[04:51:23] - Attempt #2  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[04:51:47] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:51:47] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:51:47] - Successful: assigned to (
[04:51:47] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[04:51:47] Loaded queue successfully.
[04:51:49] + Could not connect to Work Server
[04:51:49] - Attempt #3  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[04:52:23] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:52:23] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:52:23] - Successful: assigned to (
[04:52:23] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[04:52:24] Loaded queue successfully.
[04:52:24] + Could not connect to Work Server
[04:52:24] - Attempt #4  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[04:53:06] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:53:06] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:53:07] - Successful: assigned to (
[04:53:07] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[04:53:07] Loaded queue successfully.
[04:53:08] + Could not connect to Work Server
[04:53:08] - Attempt #5  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[04:54:39] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:54:39] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:54:40] - Successful: assigned to (
[04:54:40] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[04:54:40] Loaded queue successfully.
[04:54:41] + Could not connect to Work Server
[04:54:41] - Attempt #6  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[04:57:28] + Attempting to get work packet
[04:57:28] - Connecting to assignment server
[04:57:29] - Successful: assigned to (
[04:57:29] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[04:57:29] Loaded queue successfully.
[04:57:30] + Could not connect to Work Server
[04:57:30] - Attempt #7  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[05:02:56] + Attempting to get work packet
[05:02:56] - Connecting to assignment server
[05:02:56] - Successful: assigned to (
[05:02:56] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[05:02:56] Loaded queue successfully.
[05:02:57] + Could not connect to Work Server
[05:02:57] - Attempt #8  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[05:13:44] + Attempting to get work packet
[05:13:44] - Connecting to assignment server
[05:13:45] - Successful: assigned to (
[05:13:45] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[05:13:45] Loaded queue successfully.
[05:13:46] + Could not connect to Work Server
[05:13:46] - Attempt #9  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[05:35:06] + Attempting to get work packet
[05:35:06] - Connecting to assignment server
[05:35:07] - Successful: assigned to (
[05:35:07] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[05:35:07] Loaded queue successfully.
[05:35:08] + Closed connections
[05:35:08] + Processing work unit
[05:35:08] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[05:35:08] Core found.
[05:35:08] Working on queue slot 01 [February 8 05:35:08 UTC]
[05:35:08] + Working ...
[05:35:08] *------------------------------*
[05:35:08] Folding@Home GPU Core
[05:35:08] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[05:35:08] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
[05:35:08] Build host: amoeba
[05:35:08] Board Type: Nvidia
[05:35:08] Core      : 
[05:35:08] Preparing to commence simulation
[05:35:08] - User disabled assembly optimizations.
[05:35:08] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_01.ckp
[05:35:08] - Created dyn
[05:35:08] - Files status OK
[05:35:08] - Expanded 88507 -> 447307 (decompressed 505.3 percent)
[05:35:08] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88507 data_size=447307, decompressed_data_size=447307 diff=0
[05:35:08] - Digital signature verified
[05:35:08] Project: 10102 (Run 996, Clone 4, Gen 5)
[05:35:08] Entering M.D.
[05:35:14] Tpr hash work/wudata_01.tpr:  1485608841 2322768210 3782984926 1570396317 2064515071
[05:35:14] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[05:35:27] Working on p10102_lambda_370K
[05:35:29] Client config found, loading data.
[05:35:29] Starting GUI Server
[05:35:29] mdrun_gpu returned 
[05:35:29] Nonzero force sum on GPU
[05:35:29] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
[05:35:32] CoreStatus = 7A (122)
[05:35:32] Sending work to server
[05:35:32] Project: 10102 (Run 996, Clone 4, Gen 5)
[05:35:32] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[05:35:32] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_01.dat
[05:35:32] - Error: Could not read unit 01 file. Removing from queue.
[05:35:32] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[05:35:32] + Attempting to get work packet
[05:35:32] - Connecting to assignment server
[05:35:33] - Successful: assigned to (
[05:35:33] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[05:35:33] Loaded queue successfully.
[05:35:35] + Closed connections
[05:35:40] + Processing work unit
[05:35:40] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[05:35:40] Core found.
[05:35:40] Working on queue slot 02 [February 8 05:35:40 UTC]
[05:35:40] + Working ...
[05:35:40] *------------------------------*
[05:35:40] Folding@Home GPU Core
[05:35:40] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[05:35:40] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
[05:35:40] Build host: amoeba
[05:35:40] Board Type: Nvidia
[05:35:40] Core      : 
[05:35:40] Preparing to commence simulation
[05:35:40] - User disabled assembly optimizations.
[05:35:40] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_02.ckp
[05:35:40] - Created dyn
[05:35:40] - Files status OK
[05:35:40] - Expanded 88507 -> 447307 (decompressed 505.3 percent)
[05:35:40] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88507 data_size=447307, decompressed_data_size=447307 diff=0
[05:35:40] - Digital signature verified
[05:35:40] Project: 10102 (Run 996, Clone 4, Gen 5)
[05:35:40] Entering M.D.
[05:35:46] Tpr hash work/wudata_02.tpr:  1485608841 2322768210 3782984926 1570396317 2064515071
[05:35:46] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[05:35:46] Working on p10102_lambda_370K
[05:35:48] mdrun_gpu returned 
[05:35:48] Self-test failure
[05:35:48] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
[05:35:52] CoreStatus = 7A (122)
[05:35:52] Sending work to server
[05:35:52] Project: 10102 (Run 996, Clone 4, Gen 5)
[05:35:52] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[05:35:52] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_02.dat
[05:35:52] - Error: Could not read unit 02 file. Removing from queue.
[05:35:52] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[05:35:52] + Attempting to get work packet
[05:35:52] - Connecting to assignment server
[05:35:53] - Successful: assigned to (
[05:35:53] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[05:35:53] Loaded queue successfully.
[05:35:54] + Closed connections
[05:35:59] + Processing work unit
[05:35:59] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[05:35:59] Core found.
[05:35:59] Working on queue slot 03 [February 8 05:35:59 UTC]
[05:35:59] + Working ...
[05:35:59] *------------------------------*
[05:35:59] Folding@Home GPU Core
[05:35:59] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[05:35:59] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
[05:35:59] Build host: amoeba
[05:35:59] Board Type: Nvidia
[05:35:59] Core      : 
[05:35:59] Preparing to commence simulation
[05:35:59] - User disabled assembly optimizations.
[05:35:59] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_03.ckp
[05:35:59] - Created dyn
[05:35:59] - Files status OK
[05:35:59] - Expanded 88507 -> 447307 (decompressed 505.3 percent)
[05:35:59] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88507 data_size=447307, decompressed_data_size=447307 diff=0
[05:35:59] - Digital signature verified
[05:35:59] Project: 10102 (Run 996, Clone 4, Gen 5)
[05:35:59] Entering M.D.
[05:36:05] Tpr hash work/wudata_03.tpr:  1485608841 2322768210 3782984926 1570396317 2064515071
[05:36:05] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[05:36:06] Working on p10102_lambda_370K
[05:36:08] mdrun_gpu returned 
[05:36:08] Self-test failure
[05:36:08] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
[05:36:11] CoreStatus = 7A (122)
[05:36:11] Sending work to server
[05:36:11] Project: 10102 (Run 996, Clone 4, Gen 5)
[05:36:11] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[05:36:11] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_03.dat
[05:36:11] - Error: Could not read unit 03 file. Removing from queue.
[05:36:11] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[05:36:11] + Attempting to get work packet
[05:36:11] - Connecting to assignment server
[05:36:12] - Successful: assigned to (
[05:36:12] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[05:36:12] Loaded queue successfully.
[05:36:14] + Closed connections
[05:36:19] + Processing work unit
[05:36:19] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[05:36:19] Core found.
[05:36:19] Working on queue slot 04 [February 8 05:36:19 UTC]
[05:36:19] + Working ...
[05:36:19] *------------------------------*
[05:36:19] Folding@Home GPU Core
[05:36:19] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[05:36:19] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
[05:36:19] Build host: amoeba
[05:36:19] Board Type: Nvidia
[05:36:19] Core      : 
[05:36:19] Preparing to commence simulation
[05:36:19] - User disabled assembly optimizations.
[05:36:19] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_04.ckp
[05:36:19] - Created dyn
[05:36:19] - Files status OK
[05:36:19] - Expanded 88507 -> 447307 (decompressed 505.3 percent)
[05:36:19] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88507 data_size=447307, decompressed_data_size=447307 diff=0
[05:36:19] - Digital signature verified
[05:36:19] Project: 10102 (Run 996, Clone 4, Gen 5)
[05:36:19] Entering M.D.
[05:36:25] Tpr hash work/wudata_04.tpr:  1485608841 2322768210 3782984926 1570396317 2064515071
[05:36:25] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[05:36:25] Working on p10102_lambda_370K
[05:36:27] mdrun_gpu returned 
[05:36:27] Self-test failure
[05:36:27] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
[05:36:31] CoreStatus = 7A (122)
[05:36:31] Sending work to server
[05:36:31] Project: 10102 (Run 996, Clone 4, Gen 5)
[05:36:31] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[05:36:31] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_04.dat
[05:36:31] - Error: Could not read unit 04 file. Removing from queue.
[05:36:31] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[05:36:31] + Attempting to get work packet
[05:36:31] - Connecting to assignment server
[05:36:32] - Successful: assigned to (
[05:36:32] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[05:36:32] Loaded queue successfully.
[05:36:33] + Closed connections
[05:36:38] + Processing work unit
[05:36:38] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[05:36:38] Core found.
[05:36:38] Working on queue slot 05 [February 8 05:36:38 UTC]
[05:36:38] + Working ...
[05:36:38] *------------------------------*
[05:36:38] Folding@Home GPU Core
[05:36:38] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[05:36:38] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
[05:36:38] Build host: amoeba
[05:36:38] Board Type: Nvidia
[05:36:38] Core      : 
[05:36:38] Preparing to commence simulation
[05:36:38] - User disabled assembly optimizations.
[05:36:38] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_05.ckp
[05:36:38] - Created dyn
[05:36:38] - Files status OK
[05:36:38] - Expanded 88507 -> 447307 (decompressed 505.3 percent)
[05:36:38] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88507 data_size=447307, decompressed_data_size=447307 diff=0
[05:36:38] - Digital signature verified
[05:36:38] Project: 10102 (Run 996, Clone 4, Gen 5)
[05:36:38] Entering M.D.
[05:36:44] Tpr hash work/wudata_05.tpr:  1485608841 2322768210 3782984926 1570396317 2064515071
[05:36:44] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[05:36:57] Working on p10102_lambda_370K
[05:36:59] mdrun_gpu returned 
[05:36:59] Self-test failure
[05:36:59] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
[05:37:02] CoreStatus = 7A (122)
[05:37:02] Sending work to server
[05:37:02] Project: 10102 (Run 996, Clone 4, Gen 5)
[05:37:02] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[05:37:02] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_05.dat
[05:37:02] - Error: Could not read unit 05 file. Removing from queue.
[05:37:02] EUE limit exceeded. Pausing 24 hours.
[10:51:14] + Working...

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Re: Noob hardware advice, please

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:16 pm
by Slowride
BuddhaChu wrote:
Slowride wrote:...Apparently the test wasn't acknowledging my flags so, I guess I need help running the test on another of the GPUs. I read the "readme" file, still can't get it to run on a different GPU.
Per the MemtestG80 README:
To run MemtestG80 on a GPU other than the first, use the --gpu or -g flags,
passing the index of the GPU to test (starting at zero). For example, to run
MemtestG80 on the third GPU in a system:

Code: Select all

MemtestG80 --gpu 2
BTW, this is the program's help from the command line:

Code: Select all

| MemtestG80 v1.00 |
| |
| Usage: memtestG80 [flags] [MB GPU RAM to test] [# iters] |
| |
| Defaults: GPU 0, 128MB RAM, 50 test iterations |
| Amount of tested RAM will be rounded up to nearest 2MB |

Available flags:
--gpu N ,-g N : run test on the Nth (from 0) CUDA GPU
--license ,-l : show license terms for this build
--forcecomm, -f : DO send test results to Stanford (don't prompt)
--bancomm, -b : DO NOT send test results to Stanford (don't prompt)
--ramclock X , -r X: Specify RAM clock speed (for returned results) as X MHz
--coreclock X , -c X: Specify core/ROP clock speed (for returned results) as X MHz
I went throught all of that again, still can't get it to run on any other GPU. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong. At any rate, since I'm pretty sure the card is the problem, how does the conversation go with the manufacturer when you ask for a RMA because their card wont run F@H?

Re: Noob hardware advice, please

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:45 pm
by Slowride
Last night I removed the card that has been giving me problems, moved card #2 to #1 slot, brought the box back up, everything looked fine. One, three and four were cruising along just fine. I checked again a while later and #4 decided to give me an EUE!
Tried restarting, clearing the work and queue, not happeninr. So I shut it down again, put problem card in #2 slot, brought it back on line and #4 started working again. Anybody know what might cause this?

Re: Noob hardware advice, please

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:15 pm
by Nathan_P
Slowride wrote:Last night I removed the card that has been giving me problems, moved card #2 to #1 slot, brought the box back up, everything looked fine. One, three and four were cruising along just fine. I checked again a while later and #4 decided to give me an EUE!
Tried restarting, clearing the work and queue, not happeninr. So I shut it down again, put problem card in #2 slot, brought it back on line and #4 started working again. Anybody know what might cause this?
It could be that your M/B is struggling to cope with 4 cards in it - try looking for a bios update from the manufacturer's web site, my asus 680 board had that problem, unfortunately in my case the bios fix didn't seem to do the trick :(

Re: Noob hardware advice, please

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:45 am
by BuddhaChu
Another idea might be an overwhelmed power supply. Are all the components in the box getting enough juice? Figure out the wattage draws on everything and see if your power supply is maxed out.

Here's a few online calcs I found with Google:

Re: Noob hardware advice, please

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:00 am
by Slowride
BuddhaChu wrote:Another idea might be an overwhelmed power supply. Are all the components in the box getting enough juice? Figure out the wattage draws on everything and see if your power supply is maxed out.
According to the calculators, I am well within the power requirements of my system. Apparently my mobo didn't like having an empty slot between cards. I moved #4 to the #2 position and all is well. Should get my 4th card back from RMA tomorrow so we'll see.