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Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:09 am
by tear

They're of much help. Thank you.
Let me provide you with a version that mitigates the issue and carries extra debugging information.
Something really odd is happening here...

Would you mind running it for several days (with -v, just like -bc3) and sending me Langouste log?

This new version will not crash (-bc3 was made to crash intentionally -- for troubleshooting) and should
not exhibit the issue. No busy loop == no client blocking == no negative impact for you.

I can also share technical details if you (or anyone else ftm) are interested in them.


I'm building a PC for Starcraft 2 :mrgreen: (unused GTX260) over the weekend so there's a chance
of reproducing the issue in-house. In case I'm not successful (with breaking it at my end) -- would
setting up remote access (VNC/rdesktop) be feasible? (just asking)

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:16 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal

Cool, I'm pleased. New version installed, cheers :).

Can you explain in layman terms what's happening?

bc3 has fallen over on the XP rig again & the Win 7 machine are you interested in these logs still? Let me know how you get on with the GTX 260, I'll consider providing remote access if necessary. Oh & enjoy Starcraft 2 :egeek: .


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:24 am
by tear
Blasphemous Cannibal wrote:Kris,

Cool, I'm pleased. New version installed, cheers :).

Can you explain in layman terms what's happening?
One of Langouste's goals is to kick in only when necessary.

Once client is done processing a WU we want to decouple upload/download processes.
However, there's no need for Langouste to kick in when client attempts to return a WU
from "autosend" context == it's already folding some other WU.

There's a function that attempts to determine number of FahCores running
"under" the client that's contacting Langouste.

If the client is running one or more FahCores, Langouste acts as a pass-through;
if it's not running any -- Langouste rejects the connection, creates a copy
of the client and attempts to return results with the copy (the usual thing).

Common operating systems let you check what parent process ID is (for a
given process) but there's no straightforward way to determine child processes.

Langouste does it backwards. It creates a list of FahCore_* processes and
for every FahCore_ process it walks (over parent processes) towards the "root"
of process tree. Note there might be FahCore_ processes that belong to
another client -- we don't want to count those.
Having said that -- if, during the walk, Langouste encounters the client that's
contacting Langouste then the client is returning a WU from "autosend" context
and there's no need to invoke Langouste's main feature. If Langouste reaches
the root then the FahCore belongs to another client (hence the message:

Code: Select all

[1282933431.640625] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
even though it's the GPU client that was returning a WU at the time).

The walk is realized with the loop that's broken the moment matching client
is found or the root is reached.

The problem is that some processes on your machine appear to (occasionally*)
have circular parent-child dependencies (you'll never reach the root == infinite loop).

*) that's what's really bogging my mind -- from your last log:

Code: Select all

[1282934045.500000] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.500000] Backlog:
[1282934045.500000]    1548
[1282934045.500000]    1632
[1282934045.500000]    3676
[1282934045.500000]    2084
[1282934045.500000] ================
[1282934045.500000] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
1. Error C0000008 means that process 1548 is no longer there
2. PID 2084 is FahCore_a3.exe


Code: Select all

[1282934049.031250]    3260
[1282934049.031250]    1548
[1282934049.031250]    1632
[1282934049.031250]    2720
[1282934049.031250]    4032
[1282934049.031250]    3260
[1282934049.031250]    1548
[1282934049.031250]    1632
[1282934049.031250]    2720
[1282934049.031250]    4032
[1282934049.031250]    3260
[1282934049.031250]    1548
[1282934049.031250]    1632
[1282934049.031250]    3676
[1282934049.031250]    2084
[1282934049.031250] ================
[1282934049.031250] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Four seconds later: process 1548 is suddenly alive and has a parent (3260)... which has a parent (4032) which has a parent (2720) which has a parent (1632), parent of which is 1548... whoops :shock:

Now, Windows differs from Linux in two things (that are relevant to discussed issue):
1. PIDs are allocated using non-obvious algorithm (Windows) rather than sequentially (Linux); for instance, sequential creation of 10000 processes on (otherwise idle) Windows 7 64-bit results in use of only ~260 unique PIDs :!: (on Linux it's 10000)
2. There's no "mother-of-all-processes"; in other words, parent PID may point to long-dead process**; that is not possible on Linux -- if your parent dies, "init" (PID 1) becomes your parent

**) which (the PID) may (in future) be allocated to totally unrelated process

Those differences combined contribute to probability of PID collision that would result in the loop you've witnessed.
I have no explanation for high reproducibility of the issue on _your_ systems though.

I'll try to recreate the collision manually, just to see how hard it is...

On a side note -- one could argue that there's no need to walk complete process tree and that checking immediate parent (of a FahCore)
should be enough. That might be true now but when Langouste came to life (mpiexec et al.) it was not... Anyway, I would rather work
around the issue/improve the code rather than strip it. It might come handy in future.

Whew. Hope this helps.
Blasphemous Cannibal wrote:bc3 has fallen over on the XP rig again & the Win 7 machine are you interested in these logs still?
BC3 already served its purpose. But thank you.
Blasphemous Cannibal wrote:Let me know how you get on with the GTX 260, I'll consider providing remote access if necessary. Oh & enjoy Starcraft 2 :egeek: .
Will do. And will do :)


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:03 am
by tear
tear wrote:I'll try to recreate the collision manually, just to see how hard it is...
Voila, it didn't take long:

Code: Select all

[1283136146.605098] ERROR: pids_samebranch(2460, 956): iteration limit hit
[1283136146.620723] Backlog(2460, 956):
[1283136146.620723]     1460    pid.exe
[1283136146.636348]     1884    explorer.exe
[1283136146.698848]     2380    cmd.exe
[1283136146.698848]     1460    pid.exe
[1283136146.714473]     1884    explorer.exe
[1283136146.730098]     2380    cmd.exe
[1283136146.730098]     1460    pid.exe
[1283136146.745723]     1884    explorer.exe
[1283136146.745723]     2380    cmd.exe
[1283136146.761348]     1460    pid.exe
[1283136146.823848]     1884    explorer.exe
[1283136146.823848]     2380    cmd.exe
[1283136146.839473]     1460    pid.exe
[1283136146.855098]     1884    explorer.exe
[1283136146.855098]     2380    cmd.exe
[1283136146.870723]     1460    pid.exe
[1283136146.886348]     1884    explorer.exe
[1283136146.886348]     2380    cmd.exe
[1283136146.901973]     1460    pid.exe
[1283136146.917598]     1884    explorer.exe
[1283136146.917598]     2380    cmd.exe
[1283136146.933223]     1460    pid.exe
[1283136146.980098]     1884    explorer.exe
[1283136146.980098]     2232    cmd.exe
[1283136146.995723]     2460    FahCore_xxx.exe
[1283136146.995723] ================
[1283136147.011348] FahCore: FahCore_xxx.exe (PID 2460) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Though Process Explorer has some embedded smartness -- I've no idea how it does that:

Let me know how -bc7 performs. If it survives through next weekend I'll roll official binary out with the (same*) workaround.

*) limited number of iterations during process tree walk

Thanks for your persistence :)


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:39 pm
by tear
tear wrote:Though Process Explorer has some embedded smartness -- I've no idea how it does that:
A-ha! Now I know, now I know. It checks processes' creation times :mrgreen:

Cheated (screenshot taken from another VM) Process Explorer:

Let me wrap 0.15.6 up here...

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:46 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal

Brilliant explanation. So I guess you will implement a similar PID creation lookup in Langouste 0.15.6 thus averting the loop?


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:53 pm
by tear

Yup, 0.15.6 has additional check -- PID is considered a parent only if it's older than the child (child's "parent PID" reference is not enough).


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:54 am
by codysluder
Does Langouste make any attempt to decide if it's worth decoupling the upload? Certainly the SMP results are often big/slow so it makes sense, but the GPU results are often small/fast (also depending on the speed of the connection). I don't know if you can trace back to the size of wuresults, but I'd think that there's be a threshold below which it just isn't worth interrupting the client's default sequence.

That's not an essential feature but you might think about it for some future version.

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:50 am
by Blasphemous Cannibal
If you dont want the GPU clients to be handled by Langouste you control that in the configuration of said client. Simple.

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:19 am
by tear
I'll add a sentence or two to the documentation in case it's not obvious.

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:53 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal
Hi Kris,

I have the data you've been waiting for. Thanks for your patience.

Code: Select all

[1283468239.140625] Langouste3 0.15.5-bc7 (compiled Sun Aug 29 15:07:12 MDT 2010 by kszysiu@tentacle)
[1283468239.140625] Langouste3 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
[1283468239.140625] see `COPYING.txt' file located in source directory
[1283468239.140625] Getting own cmdline with NtQueryInformationProcess()...
[1283468239.140625] PID 3108: RTL string at offset 16: 'langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe -l 8880 -v -L logfile.txt'
[1283468239.140625] Got cmdline: 'langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe -l 8880 -v -L logfile.txt'
[1283468239.140625] TEMP=C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\LOCALS~1\Temp
[1283468239.140625] USERNAME=Phil
[1283468239.140625] Default Langouste helper temp directory: C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\LOCALS~1\Temp\langouste-Phil\
[1283468239.156250] Listening on
[1283470872.156250] Accepted connection from:
[1283470872.156250] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470872.156250] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470872.156250] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470872.156250] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 3793796

[1283470872.156250] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470872.156250] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470872.156250] ===> PID 2296 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 3793796
[1283470872.156250] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\'
[1283470872.156250] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283470872.156250] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283470872.156250] Backlog(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.156250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470872.156250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470872.156250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.156250] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.156250] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.156250] ================
[1283470872.156250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.156250] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283470872.156250] Backlog(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.156250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470872.156250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470872.156250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.156250] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.171875] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.171875] ================
[1283470872.171875] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.171875] test_pid_numcores(2296) returned 0
[1283470872.171875] Backlog2(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.171875] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470872.171875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470872.171875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.171875] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.171875] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.171875] ================
[1283470872.171875] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.171875] Backlog2(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.171875] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470872.171875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470872.171875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.171875] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.171875] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.171875] ================
[1283470872.171875] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.171875] ===> PID 2296: numcores: 0
[1283470872.171875] ===> now: 1283470872, last helper launched at: 0
[1283470872.171875] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 14: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe'
[1283470872.171875] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\'
[1283470872.171875] ===> Launching helper: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH_SMP\langouste-helper.bat' (exe name: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe')...
[1283470872.203125] ===> Forked 0x754
[1283470872.203125] (0) Local: received 117 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283470872.203125] Accepted connection from:
[1283470872.203125] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470872.203125] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470872.203125] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470872.203125] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 3793796

[1283470872.203125] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470872.203125] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470872.203125] ===> PID 2296 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 3793796
[1283470872.203125] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\'
[1283470872.203125] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283470872.203125] ERROR: pids_samebranch(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.203125] Backlog(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.203125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.203125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.218750] ================
[1283470872.218750] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.218750] ERROR: pids_samebranch(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.218750] Backlog(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.218750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.218750] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.218750] ================
[1283470872.218750] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.218750] test_pid_numcores(2296) returned 0
[1283470872.234375] ERROR: pids_samebranch2(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.234375] Backlog2(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.234375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.234375] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.234375] ================
[1283470872.234375] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.250000] ERROR: pids_samebranch2(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.250000] Backlog2(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.250000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.250000] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.250000] ================
[1283470872.250000] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.250000] ===> PID 2296: numcores: 0
[1283470872.250000] ===> now: 1283470872, last helper launched at: 1283470872
[1283470872.250000] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283470872.250000] (0) Local: received 113 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283470872.265625] Accepted connection from:
[1283470872.265625] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470872.265625] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470872.265625] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470872.265625] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 3793796

[1283470872.265625] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470872.265625] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470872.265625] ===> PID 2296 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 3793796
[1283470872.265625] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\'
[1283470872.265625] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283470872.265625] ERROR: pids_samebranch(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.265625] Backlog(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.265625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.265625] ================
[1283470872.265625] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.265625] ERROR: pids_samebranch(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.265625] Backlog(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.265625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.265625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.281250] ================
[1283470872.281250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.281250] test_pid_numcores(2296) returned 0
[1283470872.281250] ERROR: pids_samebranch2(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.281250] Backlog2(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.281250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.281250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.296875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.296875] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.296875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.296875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.296875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.296875] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.296875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.296875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.296875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.312500] ================
[1283470872.312500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.312500] ERROR: pids_samebranch2(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.312500] Backlog2(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.312500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.312500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.328125] ================
[1283470872.328125] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.328125] ===> PID 2296: numcores: 0
[1283470872.328125] ===> now: 1283470872, last helper launched at: 1283470872
[1283470872.328125] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283470872.328125] (0) Local: received 117 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283470872.328125] Accepted connection from:
[1283470872.328125] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470872.328125] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470872.328125] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470872.328125] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 3793796

[1283470872.328125] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470872.328125] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470872.328125] ===> PID 2296 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 3793796
[1283470872.328125] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\'
[1283470872.328125] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283470872.328125] ERROR: pids_samebranch(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.328125] Backlog(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.328125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.328125] ================
[1283470872.328125] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.328125] ERROR: pids_samebranch(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.328125] Backlog(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.328125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.328125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.343750] ================
[1283470872.343750] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.343750] test_pid_numcores(2296) returned 0
[1283470872.343750] ERROR: pids_samebranch2(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.343750] Backlog2(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.343750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.343750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.359375] ================
[1283470872.359375] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.359375] ERROR: pids_samebranch2(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.359375] Backlog2(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.359375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.359375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.375000] ================
[1283470872.375000] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.375000] ===> PID 2296: numcores: 0
[1283470872.375000] ===> now: 1283470872, last helper launched at: 1283470872
[1283470872.375000] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283470872.375000] (0) Local: received 113 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283470872.375000] Accepted connection from:
[1283470872.375000] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470872.375000] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470872.375000] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470872.375000] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 3793796

[1283470872.375000] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470872.375000] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470872.375000] ===> PID 2296 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 3793796
[1283470872.375000] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\'
[1283470872.375000] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283470872.375000] ERROR: pids_samebranch(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.375000] Backlog(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.375000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.375000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.390625] ================
[1283470872.390625] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.390625] ERROR: pids_samebranch(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.390625] Backlog(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.390625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.390625] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.390625] ================
[1283470872.390625] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.390625] test_pid_numcores(2296) returned 0
[1283470872.406250] ERROR: pids_samebranch2(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.406250] Backlog2(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.406250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.406250] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.406250] ================
[1283470872.406250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.421875] ERROR: pids_samebranch2(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.421875] Backlog2(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.421875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.421875] ================
[1283470872.421875] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.421875] ===> PID 2296: numcores: 0
[1283470872.421875] ===> now: 1283470872, last helper launched at: 1283470872
[1283470872.421875] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283470872.421875] (0) Local: received 119 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283470872.421875] Accepted connection from:
[1283470872.421875] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470872.421875] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470872.421875] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470872.421875] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 3793796

[1283470872.421875] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470872.421875] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470872.421875] ===> PID 2296 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 3793796
[1283470872.421875] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\'
[1283470872.421875] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283470872.421875] ERROR: pids_samebranch(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.421875] Backlog(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.421875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.421875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.437500] ================
[1283470872.437500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.437500] ERROR: pids_samebranch(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.437500] Backlog(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.437500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.437500] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.437500] ================
[1283470872.437500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.437500] test_pid_numcores(2296) returned 0
[1283470872.453125] ERROR: pids_samebranch2(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.453125] Backlog2(1088, 2296):
[1283470872.453125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470872.453125] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.453125] ================
[1283470872.453125] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.468750] ERROR: pids_samebranch2(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470872.468750] Backlog2(3620, 2296):
[1283470872.468750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1740	cmd.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470872.468750] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470872.468750] ================
[1283470872.468750] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470872.468750] ===> PID 2296: numcores: 0
[1283470872.468750] ===> now: 1283470872, last helper launched at: 1283470872
[1283470872.468750] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283470872.468750] (0) Local: received 115 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283470874.296875] Accepted connection from:
[1283470874.296875] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470874.296875] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470874.296875] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470874.296875] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 432

[1283470874.296875] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470874.296875] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470874.296875] ===> PID 2296 is contacting main assignment server
[1283470874.296875] (0) resolving ''
[1283470874.343750] (0) Connecting to:
[1283470874.656250] (0) Connected.
[1283470875.312500] (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
[1283470875.312500] (0) Local: received 559 bytes, sent 396 bytes
[1283470875.312500] (0) Remote: received 396 bytes, sent 559 bytes
[1283470875.468750] Accepted connection from:
[1283470875.468750] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470875.468750] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470875.468750] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470875.468750] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 512

[1283470875.468750] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470875.468750] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470875.468750] ===> PID 2296 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 512
[1283470875.468750] (0) resolving ''
[1283470875.468750] (0) Connecting to:
[1283470875.734375] (0) Connected.
[1283470892.468750] (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
[1283470892.468750] (0) Local: received 625 bytes, sent 1765418 bytes
[1283470892.468750] (0) Remote: received 1765418 bytes, sent 625 bytes
[1283470892.484375] Accepted connection from:
[1283470892.484375] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470892.484375] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470892.484375] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470892.484375] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 3793796

[1283470892.484375] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470892.484375] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470892.484375] ===> PID 2296 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 3793796
[1283470892.484375] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\'
[1283470892.484375] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283470892.484375] ERROR: pids_samebranch(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470892.484375] Backlog(1088, 2296):
[1283470892.484375] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.484375] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.500000] ================
[1283470892.500000] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.500000] ERROR: pids_samebranch(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470892.500000] Backlog(3620, 2296):
[1283470892.500000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470892.500000] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.500000] ================
[1283470892.500000] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.500000] test_pid_numcores(2296) returned 0
[1283470892.515625] Backlog2(1088, 2296):
[1283470892.515625] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470892.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.515625] ================
[1283470892.515625] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.515625] Backlog2(3620, 2296):
[1283470892.515625] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470892.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.515625] ================
[1283470892.515625] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.515625] ===> PID 2296: numcores: 0
[1283470892.515625] ===> now: 1283470892, last helper launched at: 1283470872
[1283470892.515625] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283470892.515625] (0) Local: received 117 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283470892.515625] Accepted connection from:
[1283470892.515625] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470892.515625] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470892.515625] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470892.515625] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 3793796

[1283470892.515625] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470892.515625] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470892.515625] ===> PID 2296 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 3793796
[1283470892.515625] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\'
[1283470892.515625] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283470892.515625] ERROR: pids_samebranch(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470892.515625] Backlog(1088, 2296):
[1283470892.515625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.515625] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.531250] ================
[1283470892.531250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.531250] ERROR: pids_samebranch(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470892.531250] Backlog(3620, 2296):
[1283470892.531250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.531250] ================
[1283470892.531250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.531250] test_pid_numcores(2296) returned 0
[1283470892.531250] Backlog2(1088, 2296):
[1283470892.531250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470892.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.531250] ================
[1283470892.531250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.531250] Backlog2(3620, 2296):
[1283470892.531250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470892.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470892.531250] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.531250] ================
[1283470892.531250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.531250] ===> PID 2296: numcores: 0
[1283470892.531250] ===> now: 1283470892, last helper launched at: 1283470872
[1283470892.531250] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283470892.531250] (0) Local: received 113 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283470892.546875] Accepted connection from:
[1283470892.546875] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470892.546875] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470892.546875] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470892.546875] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 3793796

[1283470892.546875] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470892.546875] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470892.546875] ===> PID 2296 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 3793796
[1283470892.546875] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\'
[1283470892.546875] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283470892.546875] ERROR: pids_samebranch(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470892.546875] Backlog(1088, 2296):
[1283470892.546875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.546875] ================
[1283470892.546875] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.546875] ERROR: pids_samebranch(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470892.546875] Backlog(3620, 2296):
[1283470892.546875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.562500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.562500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.562500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.562500] ================
[1283470892.562500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.562500] test_pid_numcores(2296) returned 0
[1283470892.562500] Backlog2(1088, 2296):
[1283470892.562500] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470892.562500] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.562500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.562500] ================
[1283470892.562500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.562500] Backlog2(3620, 2296):
[1283470892.562500] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470892.562500] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.562500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.562500] ================
[1283470892.562500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.562500] ===> PID 2296: numcores: 0
[1283470892.562500] ===> now: 1283470892, last helper launched at: 1283470872
[1283470892.562500] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283470892.562500] (0) Local: received 119 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283470892.562500] Accepted connection from:
[1283470892.562500] PID for socket: 2296
[1283470892.562500] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe" -smp 2 -verbosity 9'
[1283470892.562500] PID 2296: issending: 0
[1283470892.562500] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 3793796

[1283470892.562500] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470892.562500] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470892.562500] ===> PID 2296 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 3793796
[1283470892.562500] PID 2296: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH_SMP\'
[1283470892.562500] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283470892.562500] ERROR: pids_samebranch(1088, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470892.562500] Backlog(1088, 2296):
[1283470892.562500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.562500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.562500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.562500] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.578125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.578125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.578125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.578125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.578125] ================
[1283470892.578125] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.578125] ERROR: pids_samebranch(3620, 2296): iteration limit hit
[1283470892.578125] Backlog(3620, 2296):
[1283470892.578125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.578125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.578125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.578125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.578125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.578125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	4064	cmd.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	3108	langouste3-0.15.5-bc7.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.578125] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470892.578125] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.578125] ================
[1283470892.578125] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.578125] test_pid_numcores(2296) returned 0
[1283470892.578125] Backlog2(1088, 2296):
[1283470892.578125] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470892.578125] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.593750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.593750] 	3512	fah6.exe
[1283470892.593750] 	1088	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.593750] ================
[1283470892.593750] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 1088) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.593750] Backlog2(3620, 2296):
[1283470892.593750] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283470892.593750] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283470892.593750] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283470892.593750] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283470892.593750] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283470892.593750] ================
[1283470892.593750] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283470892.593750] ===> PID 2296: numcores: 0
[1283470892.593750] ===> now: 1283470892, last helper launched at: 1283470872
[1283470892.593750] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283470892.593750] (0) Local: received 115 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283470933.625000] Accepted connection from:
[1283470933.625000] PID for socket: 1092
[1283470933.625000] PID 1092: RTL string at offset 16: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH_SMP\fah6.exe -local -send 06 '
[1283470933.625000] PID 1092: issending: 1
[1283470933.625000] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 3793796

[1283470933.625000] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283470933.625000] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283470933.625000] (0) resolving ''
[1283470933.625000] (0) Connecting to:
[1283470933.859375] (0) Connected.
[1283471072.187500] (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
[1283471072.187500] (0) Local: received 3793913 bytes, sent 636 bytes
[1283471072.187500] (0) Remote: received 636 bytes, sent 3793913 bytes
[1283471072.187500] (0) Ratelimit: sent 3793913 byte(s) in 138.328 seconds, 27426 Bps (26.78 kBps)

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:09 pm
by tear

Thanks for the data.

Cool. That confirms PID collision hypothesis. Please switch to 0.15.6 and watch out for "WARNING: PID %d is younger than its child!" class messages.
If you see one and if Langouste doesn't end up chasing its tail ... we'll be ready for public release.


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:58 pm
by tear
One more thing -- can you please indulge me and post, say, 50 more lines from the log? (or is it complete log you posted?)


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:42 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal

No problem, here is the next 'cycle'.

Code: Select all

[1283472238.484375] Accepted connection from:
[1283472238.484375] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472238.484375] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472238.484375] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472238.484375] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119813

[1283472238.484375] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472238.484375] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472238.484375] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119813
[1283472238.484375] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1283472238.484375] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283472238.484375] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.484375] Backlog(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.484375] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.484375] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.484375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.484375] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.484375] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.484375] ================
[1283472238.484375] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.484375] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.484375] Backlog(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.484375] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.484375] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.484375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.484375] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.484375] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.484375] ================
[1283472238.484375] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.484375] test_pid_numcores(3512) returned 0
[1283472238.484375] Backlog2(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.484375] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.484375] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.484375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.484375] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.484375] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.484375] ================
[1283472238.484375] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.484375] Backlog2(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.484375] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.484375] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.484375] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.484375] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.484375] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.484375] ================
[1283472238.484375] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.484375] ===> PID 3512: numcores: 0
[1283472238.484375] ===> now: 1283472238, last helper launched at: 0
[1283472238.484375] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 14: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe'
[1283472238.484375] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1283472238.484375] ===> Launching helper: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\langouste-helper.bat' (exe name: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe')...
[1283472238.500000] ===> Forked 0x760
[1283472238.500000] (0) Local: received 8256 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283472238.500000] Accepted connection from:
[1283472238.500000] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472238.500000] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472238.500000] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472238.500000] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119813

[1283472238.500000] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472238.500000] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472238.500000] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119813
[1283472238.500000] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1283472238.500000] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283472238.500000] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.500000] Backlog(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.500000] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.500000] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.500000] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.500000] ================
[1283472238.500000] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.500000] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.500000] Backlog(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.500000] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.500000] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.500000] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.500000] ================
[1283472238.500000] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.500000] test_pid_numcores(3512) returned 0
[1283472238.500000] Backlog2(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.500000] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.500000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.500000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.500000] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.500000] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.500000] ================
[1283472238.500000] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.500000] Backlog2(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.515625] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.515625] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.515625] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.515625] ================
[1283472238.515625] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.515625] ===> PID 3512: numcores: 0
[1283472238.515625] ===> now: 1283472238, last helper launched at: 1283472238
[1283472238.515625] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283472238.515625] (0) Local: received 112 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283472238.515625] Accepted connection from:
[1283472238.515625] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472238.515625] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472238.515625] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472238.515625] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119813

[1283472238.515625] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472238.515625] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472238.515625] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119813
[1283472238.515625] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1283472238.515625] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283472238.515625] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.515625] Backlog(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.515625] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.515625] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.515625] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.515625] ================
[1283472238.515625] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.515625] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.515625] Backlog(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.515625] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.515625] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.515625] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.515625] ================
[1283472238.515625] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.515625] test_pid_numcores(3512) returned 0
[1283472238.515625] Backlog2(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.515625] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.515625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.515625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.515625] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.515625] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.515625] ================
[1283472238.515625] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.515625] Backlog2(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.531250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.531250] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.531250] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.531250] ================
[1283472238.531250] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.531250] ===> PID 3512: numcores: 0
[1283472238.531250] ===> now: 1283472238, last helper launched at: 1283472238
[1283472238.531250] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283472238.531250] (0) Local: received 116 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283472238.531250] Accepted connection from:
[1283472238.531250] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472238.531250] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472238.531250] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472238.531250] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119813

[1283472238.531250] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472238.531250] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472238.531250] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119813
[1283472238.531250] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1283472238.531250] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283472238.531250] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.531250] Backlog(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.531250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.531250] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.531250] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.531250] ================
[1283472238.531250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.531250] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.531250] Backlog(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.531250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.531250] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.531250] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.531250] ================
[1283472238.531250] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.531250] test_pid_numcores(3512) returned 0
[1283472238.531250] Backlog2(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.531250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.531250] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.531250] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.531250] ================
[1283472238.531250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.531250] Backlog2(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.531250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.531250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.531250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.531250] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.531250] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.531250] ================
[1283472238.531250] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.531250] ===> PID 3512: numcores: 0
[1283472238.531250] ===> now: 1283472238, last helper launched at: 1283472238
[1283472238.531250] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283472238.531250] (0) Local: received 112 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283472238.531250] Accepted connection from:
[1283472238.531250] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472238.531250] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472238.531250] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472238.531250] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119813

[1283472238.531250] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472238.531250] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472238.531250] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119813
[1283472238.531250] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1283472238.546875] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283472238.546875] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.546875] Backlog(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.546875] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.546875] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.546875] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.546875] ================
[1283472238.546875] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.546875] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.546875] Backlog(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.546875] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.546875] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.546875] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.546875] ================
[1283472238.546875] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.546875] test_pid_numcores(3512) returned 0
[1283472238.546875] Backlog2(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.546875] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.546875] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.546875] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.546875] ================
[1283472238.546875] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.546875] Backlog2(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.546875] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.546875] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.546875] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.546875] ================
[1283472238.546875] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.546875] ===> PID 3512: numcores: 0
[1283472238.546875] ===> now: 1283472238, last helper launched at: 1283472238
[1283472238.546875] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283472238.546875] (0) Local: received 8258 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283472238.546875] Accepted connection from:
[1283472238.546875] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472238.546875] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472238.546875] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472238.546875] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119813

[1283472238.546875] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472238.546875] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472238.546875] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119813
[1283472238.546875] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1283472238.546875] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283472238.546875] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.546875] Backlog(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.546875] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.546875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.546875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.546875] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.562500] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.562500] ================
[1283472238.562500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.562500] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472238.562500] Backlog(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.562500] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.562500] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.562500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.562500] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.562500] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.562500] ================
[1283472238.562500] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.562500] test_pid_numcores(3512) returned 0
[1283472238.562500] Backlog2(3620, 3512):
[1283472238.562500] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.562500] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.562500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.562500] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472238.562500] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472238.562500] ================
[1283472238.562500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.562500] Backlog2(2236, 3512):
[1283472238.562500] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472238.562500] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472238.562500] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472238.562500] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472238.562500] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472238.562500] ================
[1283472238.562500] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472238.562500] ===> PID 3512: numcores: 0
[1283472238.562500] ===> now: 1283472238, last helper launched at: 1283472238
[1283472238.562500] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283472238.562500] (0) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283472238.687500] Accepted connection from:
[1283472238.687500] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472238.687500] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472238.687500] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472238.687500] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 432

[1283472238.687500] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472238.687500] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472238.687500] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 432
[1283472238.687500] (0) resolving ''
[1283472238.734375] (0) Connecting to:
[1283472238.968750] (0) Connected.
[1283472239.750000] (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
[1283472239.750000] (0) Local: received 567 bytes, sent 396 bytes
[1283472239.750000] (0) Remote: received 396 bytes, sent 567 bytes
[1283472239.906250] Accepted connection from:
[1283472239.906250] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472239.906250] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472239.906250] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472239.906250] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 512

[1283472239.906250] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472239.906250] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472239.906250] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 512
[1283472239.906250] (0) resolving ''
[1283472239.906250] (0) Connecting to:
[1283472240.125000] (0) Connected.
[1283472241.750000] (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
[1283472241.750000] (0) Local: received 627 bytes, sent 46518 bytes
[1283472241.750000] (0) Remote: received 46518 bytes, sent 627 bytes
[1283472241.750000] Accepted connection from:
[1283472241.750000] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472241.750000] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472241.750000] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472241.750000] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119813

[1283472241.750000] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472241.750000] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472241.750000] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119813
[1283472241.750000] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1283472241.750000] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283472241.750000] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472241.750000] Backlog(3620, 3512):
[1283472241.750000] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.750000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.750000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.750000] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472241.750000] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472241.750000] ================
[1283472241.750000] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.750000] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472241.750000] Backlog(2236, 3512):
[1283472241.750000] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.750000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.750000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.750000] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472241.750000] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472241.750000] ================
[1283472241.750000] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.750000] test_pid_numcores(3512) returned 0
[1283472241.750000] Backlog2(3620, 3512):
[1283472241.750000] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.750000] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.750000] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.750000] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472241.750000] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472241.750000] ================
[1283472241.750000] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.750000] Backlog2(2236, 3512):
[1283472241.750000] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.765625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.765625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.765625] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472241.765625] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472241.765625] ================
[1283472241.765625] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.765625] ===> PID 3512: numcores: 0
[1283472241.765625] ===> now: 1283472241, last helper launched at: 1283472238
[1283472241.765625] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283472241.765625] (0) Local: received 4496 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283472241.765625] Accepted connection from:
[1283472241.765625] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472241.765625] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472241.765625] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472241.765625] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119813

[1283472241.765625] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472241.765625] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472241.765625] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119813
[1283472241.765625] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1283472241.765625] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283472241.765625] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472241.765625] Backlog(3620, 3512):
[1283472241.765625] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.765625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.765625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.765625] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472241.765625] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472241.765625] ================
[1283472241.765625] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.765625] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472241.765625] Backlog(2236, 3512):
[1283472241.765625] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.765625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.765625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.765625] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472241.765625] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472241.765625] ================
[1283472241.765625] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.765625] test_pid_numcores(3512) returned 0
[1283472241.765625] Backlog2(3620, 3512):
[1283472241.765625] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.765625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.765625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.765625] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472241.765625] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472241.765625] ================
[1283472241.765625] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.765625] Backlog2(2236, 3512):
[1283472241.765625] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.765625] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.765625] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.765625] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472241.765625] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472241.765625] ================
[1283472241.765625] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.765625] ===> PID 3512: numcores: 0
[1283472241.765625] ===> now: 1283472241, last helper launched at: 1283472238
[1283472241.765625] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283472241.765625] (0) Local: received 8252 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283472241.765625] Accepted connection from:
[1283472241.765625] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472241.765625] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472241.765625] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472241.765625] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119813

[1283472241.765625] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472241.765625] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472241.765625] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119813
[1283472241.765625] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1283472241.765625] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283472241.765625] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472241.765625] Backlog(3620, 3512):
[1283472241.765625] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472241.781250] ================
[1283472241.781250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.781250] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472241.781250] Backlog(2236, 3512):
[1283472241.781250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472241.781250] ================
[1283472241.781250] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.781250] test_pid_numcores(3512) returned 0
[1283472241.781250] Backlog2(3620, 3512):
[1283472241.781250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472241.781250] ================
[1283472241.781250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.781250] Backlog2(2236, 3512):
[1283472241.781250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472241.781250] ================
[1283472241.781250] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.781250] ===> PID 3512: numcores: 0
[1283472241.781250] ===> now: 1283472241, last helper launched at: 1283472238
[1283472241.781250] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283472241.781250] (0) Local: received 8258 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283472241.781250] Accepted connection from:
[1283472241.781250] PID for socket: 3512
[1283472241.781250] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1283472241.781250] PID 3512: issending: 0
[1283472241.781250] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119813

[1283472241.781250] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472241.781250] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472241.781250] ===> PID 3512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119813
[1283472241.781250] PID 3512: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1283472241.781250] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1283472241.781250] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472241.781250] Backlog(3620, 3512):
[1283472241.781250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472241.781250] ================
[1283472241.781250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.781250] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1740 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1283472241.781250] Backlog(2236, 3512):
[1283472241.781250] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.781250] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472241.781250] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472241.781250] ================
[1283472241.781250] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.781250] test_pid_numcores(3512) returned 0
[1283472241.781250] Backlog2(3620, 3512):
[1283472241.796875] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.796875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.796875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.796875] 	2388	fah6.exe
[1283472241.796875] 	3620	FahCore_11.exe
[1283472241.796875] ================
[1283472241.796875] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3620) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.796875] Backlog2(2236, 3512):
[1283472241.796875] 	-1	(unknown)
[1283472241.796875] 	1740	(unknown)
[1283472241.796875] 	1776	explorer.exe
[1283472241.796875] 	2296	fah6.exe
[1283472241.796875] 	2236	FahCore_a3.exe
[1283472241.796875] ================
[1283472241.796875] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2236) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1283472241.796875] ===> PID 3512: numcores: 0
[1283472241.796875] ===> now: 1283472241, last helper launched at: 1283472238
[1283472241.796875] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1283472241.796875] (0) Local: received 114 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1283472299.343750] Accepted connection from:
[1283472299.343750] PID for socket: 3436
[1283472299.343750] PID 3436: RTL string at offset 16: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe -local -send 04 '
[1283472299.343750] PID 3436: issending: 1
[1283472299.343750] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119813

[1283472299.343750] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1283472299.343750] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1283472299.343750] (0) resolving ''
[1283472299.343750] (0) Connecting to:
[1283472299.578125] (0) Connected.
[1283472304.937500] (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
[1283472304.937500] (0) Local: received 119929 bytes, sent 636 bytes
[1283472304.937500] (0) Remote: received 636 bytes, sent 119929 bytes
[1283472304.937500] (0) Ratelimit: sent 119929 byte(s) in 5.359 seconds, 22378 Bps (21.85 kBps)

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:57 am
by tear

Run into any issues with 0.15.6? Can I release it, please, pretty please?
