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Re: Windows 7 - All Windows 7 comments go here.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:52 am
by John Naylor
I have never experienced this phenomenon of 64-bit programs being faster than 32-bit programs :? All 64-bit allows is for programs (and the OS) to use a bigger memory space, and some extra registers in the CPU.

And to answer your questions: applications contain either one or the other, not both. Some are 32-bit, some are 64-bit. For most uses the benefits of 64-bit are limited (have you seen a unit that needs more than 2^32 MB (4GB) of RAM before, other than on bigadv?). However in the scenarios where 4GB or more of RAM is needed it will be necessary to have 64-bit versions.

for reference, 64-bit OSes I use (none of which have displayed the phenomenon you describe):
Vista Home Premium x64
7 Home Premium x64
7 Professional x64
Ubuntu/Kubuntu 9.04 x64

Re: Windows 7 - All Windows 7 comments go here.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:53 pm
by fredjones
folding now working on the dm3 1035dx my operating system crashed and I reloaded it then downloaded a new folding it is working now folding must have upgraded to allow 7 compatability I won't be downloading the GPU folding until they have all the bugs worked out

Re: Windows 7 - All Windows 7 comments go here.

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:55 pm
by umbrella
I did not install this FAH program in my Windows 7 Home Premium..... It some how ended up in my comp and keep running. How do i permanently shut it down and uninstall it?

nvm, found the uninstaller.... (not in my control pannel)...... but then again.... how did it end up in my comp without my knowedge and permision

Re: Windows 7 - All Windows 7 comments go here.

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:15 pm
by John Naylor
Some torrents contain trojans which install folding@home to the downloader's PC... if you don't use torrents or such then I have no idea how this could have happened. If you haven't deleted it, would it be possible for you to post FAHlog.txt?

Re: Windows 7 - All Windows 7 comments go here.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:53 am
by djchandler
New Windows 6.29 Beta question.

I have 64-bit Ultimate, but I see the new beta only lists up through Vista. Does this mean Windows 7 will not be supported in any way?

Crazy as the timing is, I have a -oneunit flagged in my native Linux install on that machine, and was planning to run in a Debian 5 VM under Virtualbox so I could experiment with the GPU client having just installed a new discrete graphics card. Downloading that beta looks pretty tempting to run on my Phenom II X4.

Anybody have any input?

Re: Windows 7 - All Windows 7 comments go here.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:29 am
by toTOW
Seven is very like Vista ... so it'll work the same way on both.

Re: Windows 7 - All Windows 7 comments go here.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:26 am
by nitrobass24
djchandler wrote:New Windows 6.29 Beta question.

I have 64-bit Ultimate, but I see the new beta only lists up through Vista. Does this mean Windows 7 will not be supported in any way?

Crazy as the timing is, I have a -oneunit flagged in my native Linux install on that machine, and was planning to run in a Debian 5 VM under Virtualbox so I could experiment with the GPU client having just installed a new discrete graphics card. Downloading that beta looks pretty tempting to run on my Phenom II X4.

Anybody have any input?
Wel there is no reason to run a linux VM unless you are trying to complete -BigAdv units. Since you have a Phenom II you probably wouldnt finish them in time anyways and it would be a waste.

That said the new SMP client 6.29 running the A3 core works wonderfully on Windows 7 x64 and x86.
Just make sure you setup a passkey so you will qualify for the bonus points :)

If you need any help with setup just let us know.

Re: Windows 7 - All Windows 7 comments go here.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:00 am
by toTOW
You wouldn't even get BigAdv WUs assigned to your machine if you don't report at least 8 cores ...

Re: Windows 7 Folding?

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:55 pm
by toTOW
Since Windows 7 is now common, you should use the regular client forums to get support.

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