PantherX has already answered this question, but let me explain it in a different way.ChasingTheDream wrote:I guess my question would be why would the FAHClient not launch as it always does when I launch FAHControl? It is something I can look for in the future though.
"Launch" is the wrong word. "Connect" would be more accurate.
FAHClient is designed to operate as a service, meaning it should always be running in the background, hidden from view. It can be monitored and/or controlled with FAHControl (or WEBControl). If you're not interested in eithe monitoring or changing settings, FAHControl need not be running and FAHClient will continue to process in accordance with the last settings you provided. For example, if you want to start or stop folding, you tell FAHControl to send commands to FAHClient. Every system that folds needs FAHClient to be running in the background just like every system that has a printer needs the printer daemon running in the background in case it receives data from some other application that it needs to process.
Moreover, a single copy of FAHControl can manage/monitor a number of copies of FAHClient running on various systems by remote control.