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Re: covid moonshot bad wu setup

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:38 am
by markdotgooley
JohnChodera wrote:> In the past few days I’ve been getting some Moonshot WUs that take over 4 hours to complete on either of my GPUs (one RTX 2060, one RTX 2060 KO, no overclocking) — an hour or more longer than what was usual earlier. I’ll take that as a sign that WUs can and will be adjusted for the new GPUs due to be available in the next few months.

Can you let us know which PRCGs these were? I think they're likely part of the 1343x series, where we are simulating the X-ray structures collected by DiamondMX for the COVID Moonshot:

And yes, you may be right about that and some other coming good things. ;)

~ John Chodera // MSKCC
A 13433 took about 4:45 and a current 13437 is estimated to take about 7 hours. Definitely longer times than I’m used to. (Too lazy to check the logs closely.) No big deal for me, just different.

Re: covid moonshot bad wu setup

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 10:02 am
by Neil-B
@markdotgooley John is asking for the PRCG - the Project, Run, Clone, Gen - this can be got from the logs, the advanced/web control interfaces ... When reporting issues giving the PRCG allows the troubleshooting to be narrowed down to a specific WU that can be investigated and this really helps :)

Re: covid moonshot bad wu setup

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 1:23 pm
by markdotgooley
The 13437 is (140, 8, 1) and the 13433 is (5, 4, 7). I wouldn’t say that anything is wrong with either, just they take longer than what I’m used to.

Re: covid moonshot bad wu setup

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 5:25 pm
by Neil-B
The base points is actually lower for 13437 than 13433 so logically it should be a little bit quicker ... with these PRCGs someone will be able to see if anything obviously odd is going on.

Re: covid moonshot bad wu setup

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:07 pm
by JohnChodera
> The base points is actually lower for 13437 than 13433 so logically it should be a little bit quicker ... with these PRCGs someone will be able to see if anything obviously odd is going on.

Whoa, that may be a mistake. Looking into this.

Re: covid moonshot bad wu setup

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:08 pm
by JohnChodera
I'm showing the stats credit for 13433 (SARS-CoV-2 Mpro monomer) is 70660, and for 13737 (Mpro dimer) is 118000. Are you seeing the base credit is _lower_ for 13437 than 13433?

Re: covid moonshot bad wu setup

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 7:39 pm
by Neil-B
D'OH ... MY REALLY BAD ... Homer moment to end all moments ... read the wrong column :( ... please ignore my previous totally wrong post as looked at the atoms not the base credit !!

Re: covid moonshot bad wu setup

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:58 am
by bruce
Assignments take a varying amount of time, but they're not limited to "what you are used to" I've gotten projects that take several days, and you may, too.