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Re: No credit given for [2682]

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:12 am
by P5-133XL
So I am a nieve idiot, but I see no reason to assume a fake log. My nature is to assume someone is honest and good till proven wrong. Since you, 7im, already have 20 fake logs, by your own admission I will assume that you are evil and bad. But this other guy hasn't admitted trying to falsify anything.

As far as PG is concerned, they have to take responsibility for their error, and if that means giving a few credits to a few dishonest people then that is just the cost of doing business honestly. I say do the right thing and don't shaft the honest ones.

What more could someone do in this guys situation do to get proper credit?

Re: No credit given for [2682]

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:31 pm
by Fe[R]gity
I'm trying to forget this situation. 70k points are not 70k$, so I haven't lost anything significant.
I have to say some more. I've allowed some (some? no, a lot of... maybe 2-3-4 tens for two years) WUs to die, while I tried to OC my rigs. Well... I gonna think that it's a price I pay...

Re: No credit given for [2682]

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:36 am
by Mactin
This is not going to cost PG anything either to do the right thing.
If you want fake points go and get them. I only want my earned points. I feal deprived and taken granted for.
PG has to do better donner relations. Every time a screw up like this happens, bot only resources are wated because of the fault, but future donations are lost du to donner apathy.