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Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:57 pm
by notfred
The VM diskless client should still share the disk on the network so that FahMon can read it. If you want to monitor it from another PC on the network then make sure you setup the VM to use "Bridged" networking and not "NAT".

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:00 pm
by DjSoulshot
SKeptical_Thinker wrote:This looks like it might be the right place for this:

Could you please add the ability to reset the benchmark data on a per project basis? I've made some rather significant gains in PPD production by overclocking my GPU. I'd like to reset the benchmarks on the projects that were completed at 3500PPD to see what their current averages are.

In the meantime, how would I go about resetting them now?

I'm not sure if i understand this correctly - but you can set it to calculate the average based on the last 3 frames, that should do it.

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:16 pm
by enroscado
I'm trying to monitor a Vista Ultimate x64 box running a GPU2 client, and FAHMON is running on Ubuntu 8.04. It abrely starts and crashes inmediately, has this been worked out in any of the late betas?

I tried to delete the client, but i just can't find "clientstab.txt" file.

Thanks in advance.

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:57 pm
by SKeptical_Thinker
DjSoulshot wrote:
SKeptical_Thinker wrote:This looks like it might be the right place for this:

Could you please add the ability to reset the benchmark data on a per project basis? I've made some rather significant gains in PPD production by overclocking my GPU. I'd like to reset the benchmarks on the projects that were completed at 3500PPD to see what their current averages are.

In the meantime, how would I go about resetting them now?

I'm not sure if i understand this correctly - but you can set it to calculate the average based on the last 3 frames, that should do it.
I've found that the last three frames average is all over the map for lots of reasons. I'm looking for a long term average so it will reflect more than one WU. Thanks.

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:33 am
by uncle_fungus
Hmm, quite a few posts while I've been away.

* Monitoring GPU2 from Linux doesn't work correctly at present. This has already been mentioned a few posts back.
* GPU2 monitoring on Windows should work fine, however when I've finished updating the monitoring codebase it should work a lot better and crash less.
* To edit you clientstab on Linux run "gedit ~/.fahmon/clientstab.txt"
* There is no direct way of removing benchmark data unless you delete the benchmarks.dat file or want to hexedit the same

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:06 pm
by AL2000
Thanks notfred, no it's not over a network. It's on the same PC. I want to see all the info. Particularly the PPD and the deadline.
I still did not succeded to monitor inside the VMware player. It seem that the fah log is on the usb key and when VMWare is active the usb key is not visible from the explorer.
I try to point the local ip address that i use to see the log via IE with Fahmon but it's not working.

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:31 pm
by AJL
I'm running Vista64 Ult. I just installed FAHMon (2.3.2b) and I get and error "could not create directory <./config>". Then I get an 'access denied" error and the program quits. Does FahMon run under Vista?

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:23 pm
by John Naylor
It does. I found that the cure for that problem was to right click FahMon and start it using "Run as administrator." Sometimes it works without it, sometimes not (just to demonstrate this weirdness my Quad needs to run FahMon as administrator but the Dell does not... and both run Vista Home Premium SP1 32-bit with the same patches)...

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:34 pm
by Xilikon
Just don't put the program in the Program Files folder and you should be fine. I think there are extra checks with that directory with Vista which cause issues like that.

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:44 pm
by AJL
Thanks guys :) I'll give John's solution a try, if I still have problems - I'll use the zip version and put it in my own directory.

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:50 pm
by 7im
Start\control panel\programs\Use an older program with this version of Windows

This launches the program compatibility wizard, where you can make adjustments to the vista settings to enable just about any program to run in Vista.

It's the same as right clicking the executable, and selecting Properties\Compatability tab and selecting things like Run as Admin or Run as Windows XP mode, just in a more user friendly wizard format.

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:36 am
by AJL
Thanks Zim, I am aware of the compatibility mode in properties, but didn't know it affected the security behavior. Anyway, running as Admin works fine.

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:30 am
by tmoble
searched this section, but didn't find a solution that looked right.

XPP, AMD Quad, 8800GT, running SMP and GPU clients. Never had any trouble with fahmon before in 6 months or so. Today it decided to show both clients as hung, but still correctly displays the progress including new WUs being worked as the old ones finish. No known clock issues with the machine, monitoring local clients. I've done the usual stuff, deleted the clients, restarted fahmon, re-added the clients. no good. just now came back to the computer after a couple hours, the GPU client was green, so I thought it was fixed and added the SMP client, the SMP client came up as hung and immediately the GPU client went to red state. Should I un/re-install or is there file that needs adjusting or something?

EDITED: typos

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:44 am
by Mitsimonsta
Synchronise time across all affected machines, plus the monitoring box.

Re: FahMon (multi-platform app to monitor various F@h clients)

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:44 am
by tmoble
from my post: "No known clock issues with the machine, monitoring local clients."

sync was quick since it is monitoring only local clients. the box doesn't even have a drive mapped.

any others?