Xilikon wrote:I'm sorry to poke holes in your argument but I think it's unrealistic to ask people to have knowledge of biochemistry and molecular dynamics. It's not mandatory to understand biochemistry and molecular dynamics to provide help and support about the F@H software. This is precisely the goal of the current forum to provide help with the installation and usage of the software along with the technical support if issues arise during the use of the software.
Remember that if you want to ask questions about biochemisty and/or molecular dynamics, we have a "Science questions/answers" (viewforum.php?f=17) forum for that purpose. However, it's not a place where scientists come to discuss about that and this is why most of us will tell you to preface the question if you intent it to be answered by the Stanford people only.
Moderators/administrators requiring to know about this stuff have no bearing with the ability to run the forum and moderate. This is precisely why we have a special group called Pande Group (with the name in bold blue) to answer the more scientific questions and the internal stuff that the general public doesn't have access. Their duty is to make sure rules is followed and to answer questions at their best of their capabilities. If they cannot answer them, they should be able to either guide you toward a better resource or to contact the right people to answer the question.
Then by that theory, why would people try to attempt to answer something that may or may not know the answer to or about (in relation to subject area)?
Besides, you don't have to be EXPERTS in the field. But knowing SOMETHING about it beyond what the website tells us would probably be quite beneficial.
If someone asked ME about the MD core, I wouldn't answer it or I would answer with one that states "I do not know the answer to your question." (because I am not qualified to answer that question).
If someone asks me why RNA hairpin folds, I wouldn't have the slightest clue (from a biochem perspective). It wouldn't stop me from trying to look it up in various medical and scientific journal publications, (like Elsevier), read it, and then try and best describe or re-explain what I just read. If I can't find anything, I'd say that. If I found something but have no idea what they're talking about (e.g. the GROMACS source code), I'd say that.
Why would you purposely set yourself up for that? There are some posts, (many of them actually) that I just don't respond to at all. Whether it's because I've got nothing to add, don't have an answer to or for, or because it's outside of my area (main area) of competence or expertise. So, why would I want to step out of my bounds if I'm not ready and ill prepared to be able to full support it and defend it? That's a really really silly move.
You can support the software all you want, but I think that you should have SOME idea as to what's going on, and more than just the papers and FAQs from Stanford's website.
Even with my work, although I've never seen the actual source code, I'm expected to know SOMETHING about the underlying physics and mathematics so that when I am in a technical presentation with the military, I WILL, have, and often say that I've never actually seen the source code itself, but based on the publications that we have written and presented, this is how I THINK it works and use logic to reason it out.
It might not be perfect, and might not even be a 100% accurate explanation, but as long as you get the point across; you're usually at least..."ok". And with such presentations, you can never really "prepare" for what you might be asked, and so, you do the best that you can to prepare for what you THINK is going to be asked, and we usually only present 1/3rd of the actual work that is done at a time. If there are questions about the other 2/3rds, we'd presented it as on-going study with no official results yet, but the preliminary results are...blah.
Same thing here.
You can be the most competent of F@H client user as you can ever be. From day 1 of development. That's your 1/3rd. But knowing SOMETHING about how it all works underneath and around it...that's your 2/3rds (which often remains largely unspoken of or about). But if, once in a blue moon, you get asked, at least then you'd have sufficient background to be able to answer it, even if it more-than-website generic terms. And if you've been folding for that long, that REALLY shouldn't come as a surprise, especially once you've reached admin status.
So, no I disagree -- I don't think that it's an unrealistic or unreasonable expectation at all.
(Besides, if you KNEW what was going on underneath and problems do pop up with the client, you'd probably be able to start reasonably GUESSING at the root cause). You might not know the exact wording or terminology or the actual line or function or call within the code that's causing it; but at least you wouldn't be totally clueless either. And by then, you've probably just about seen all of the possible problems that can arise, and probably would already have solution procedures cheat sheet in hand on how to deal with those issues. Even with new problems, you'd be able to draw on your collective relevant experience and education to be a more effective solutions provider/helper/teacher/administrator.
(Correct me if I'm wrong BTW.)
So, how would any of that be bad? Or unrealistic? (And if you've been on a project for so long and you learn absolutely nothing about it, wow. I don't think that I even have words to express or describe that.)