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Re: Final Credit estimate = what you really get?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:53 pm
by CaR
Plus at list my nickname CaR/car should give a result in the app bonus status. Especially because I'm not the only car there so at list the other who helped out other team with 274 circa wus should be there I guess.

Re: Final Credit estimate = what you really get?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:59 pm
by Neil-B
If a username has never been associated with a passkey I don't believe it shows up when you search in the Bonus App but I may be wrong - partly because it can never have received a bonus !! … This is part of why I think your 1st passkey might be malformed.

Re: Final Credit estimate = what you really get?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:09 pm
by CaR
So, curiosity, if now I replace the old passkey with the new one in the fah app, I'll start from scratch?

Re: Final Credit estimate = what you really get?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:15 pm
by Neil-B
As I understand it, points are never really "lost" … It would be a new passkey/username pairing so points for that pairing would start from 0, but you would still be able to find you old points tally and add them together.

Once you actually start getting QRBs this should quickly overtake your existing tally … Though if you want to try and see if your current passkey issue can be sorted out (which may sort out the QRBs for past WUs - no promises on that) then it may still be worth waiting for someo0ne to check you current passkey status before switching to the new one.

Re: Final Credit estimate = what you really get?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:20 pm
by CaR
Cool, thanks Neil-b, you're right better for now wait for someone to check. Any specific mail/person to contact in case?
thanks for the help,

Re: Final Credit estimate = what you really get?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:24 pm
by Neil-B
I'm guessing that Joe_H will know who might be able to check … Though I know he will probably spot this thread anyway and weigh in :)

Re: Final Credit estimate = what you really get?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:59 pm
by Neil-B

One of the Mods PM'd me when I asked for a bit of advice on this (Thanks Jesse_V) and confirmed "There is no risk of losing workunits or losing credit by removing or changing passkeys, and you can quote me on that.".

You should be getting bonus points from the Quick Return Bonus after completing ten workunits and maintaining an 80% successful return rate a fair while ago, but checking indicates that this isn't happening as the last returned workunits are not showing "got bonus" marked with a 1.

Unless you find from checking the Client Configuration with the method PantherX describes that there was a miss-type in the original passkey entry, there appears to be something about that first passkey that is causing issues and so even though we haven't got to the bottom of why the first passkey hasn't worked - and seemingly it hasn't - it might just be easiest/quickest to enter the newer passkey (that you have had confirmed in that it was sent to you twice) and start building up WUs on that username/passkey pairing … you will always be able to look back at your points to this point and tally them up to your new points score and WU counts.

Jesse_V also confirmed "They can change the passkey if they wish and they'll get bonus points after the 10 workunits. Either way, the workunits are returned and analyzed by the researchers, and that's what the project is really all about. No workunits or points will be lost by changing passkeys or team IDs."

I'm guessing this may just end up being one of those mysteries that never get solved - but we tried.

Re: Final Credit estimate = what you really get?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 8:51 pm
by CaR
And here we are, replaced passkey with new one, received points for my latest wu, and be able now to see that I have just one wu finished and no bonus activate yet, but it's a great step forward! Looking forward to activate it!
Thanks all guys for helping out. It's not the main goal of the project but an incentive for anybody to push up and hopefully solve all this deseases!
Thanks again,