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Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:38 pm
by Bryman
Wtf... I really don't think this is supposed to be like this...
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:29 pm
by DarkFoss
Those numbers look way off should be around the 4 min mark for a 7970.
Project ID: 13104
Core: OPENMM_21
Credit: 9050
Frames: 100
Number of Frames Observed: 100
Min. Time / Frame : 00:01:54 - 365,660.1 PPD
Avg. Time / Frame : 00:01:57 - 351,686.9 PPD
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:40 am
by Bryman
I'm getting about 28,000 now.. still should be a lot higher
If it wasn't a 13000 project I'd be getting about 125,000
I know the number varies a bit... I'd expect 100,000 to be the absolute minimum and 150,000 being the maximum
I plugged my 7850 in my desktop and I was getting over 70,000 PPD
I took it out because it was overheating my 7970... was at 96°C and kept hitting 97 and forcing the fans higher... and that was with 10% less voltage than stock and 60% fan speed
I tried plugging it in the bottom so they would have more room in-between and the 7970 loaded stock drivers O.o it was really weird
Folding@home did not like the stock drivers... Fahcore_21 was at 100% cpu wtf
But yeah... this set-up did NOT work very well at all
Apparently the heat from the top of the bottom gpu was getting sucked into the top gpu... was overheating it really bad
Especially since only the left fan works if the fan speed is below 80%... so it was sucking in all the hot air from the top of the bottom gpu
Apparently the 7850 doesn't force the fans higher until 102... but the 7970 does it at 97
Anyway... won't be putting the 7850 back in
I didn't get a 13000 project with the 7850 though, so I won't know if it's my 7970 or what that is causing this
Is there a way to tell folding@home not to take a project in the 13000s? That would fix this issue
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:07 am
by bruce
You have a very limited ability to choose which projects you'll fold and which you won't.
You can leave a slot configured and tell it not to fold at all. Set "pause-on-start" to "true"
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:42 am
by Bryman
*sigh* Oh well...
Thanks for trying to help... but it looks like I'm stuck with this problem :/
I guess I could dump the WU if it's a project in the 13000s... but if I dump more than 2 WUs within 10 WUs it will disqualify me for the quick return bonus, right?
Unless I have it error... maybe then it won't... I'd just have to turn my video card voltage down and cause the WU to error enough for it to dump it
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:40 pm
by toTOW
Can you try to pause the CPU slot while running p130xx ? Does it help ?
If it helps, reduce your CPU slot to 6 threads ... it should help too as a long term solution ...
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:10 pm
by foldy
If your GPU gets too hot then maybe you need some case fans.
Bottom fans should blow in and top fans should blow out.
Maybe your case side can mount fans?
If your case fans are perfect then closed case should have lower GPU temps then open case.
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:00 pm
by Bryman
An overheating GPU is not the issue.. it ONLY happens with projects in the 13xxx and my video card is not even 60°C during them
I do have some case fans I could snap onto my case... but it would make more noise... I prefer just to have my video card about 5°C hotter and have the side of my case open with no case fans
It's still plenty cool... hits a max of about 82 with some WUs when the room is warm.. most of the time 72-78
I tried setting Fahcore_21 to below low priority and fahcore_a4 to low priority and it didn't help... the PPD was the exact same...
I'm getting about 163,000 PPD on project 11407... I'll just dump the WU if it's 13xxx or just let it fold through, I guess... just gotta make sure I don't dump too many WUs in a short amount of time
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:23 pm
by bruce
As you've discovered, setting priority of FAH tasks has no value. The only thing it [I[MIGHT[/I] is to allow FAH to interfere with foreground activities.
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:31 pm
by Bryman
As long as it's set to below normal it's okay... it was when I set Fahcore_21 to "normal" that it lagged the computer really bad every time it checkpointed
I always keep the a4 set to "low" of course
Setting the 21 to "below normal" can actually help a lot... especially if I run a bunch of instances of a PNG optimization program... it always sets the PNG optimization priority to low so with both the 21 and the PNG optimization set to low the video card usage drops down to like 50%... but it only takes 1% cpu so it's best to have it at below normal
I was running 7 instances of a PNG optimization program plus the a4 plus the 21... it was causing the video card usage to drop way down to like 40% so I changed it to below normal and it bumped it up to like 90%, but didn't even take 1% cpu
I need more cores :/
This is normal
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:26 am
by Bryman
Dumping the WU worked... the problem is I can't dump more than 2 WUs within 10 or it disqualifies me for the quick return bonus... I think if I let it error enough for it to dump it it won't count against me...
I hit the jackpot with this one
167,000 PPD at factory clocked speeds
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:56 pm
by foldy
Checkout the post from toTOW with your next 13000 work unit.
If folding on GPU has not enough CPU resources then GPU usage will go down.
So keep one CPU core idle or tweak your CPU priorities to get also 13000 work units to full GPU usage.
If you use your CPU for other things like there PNG optimization then maybe remove folding CPU slot and only fold on GPU.
What is your CPU type/name?
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 5:32 pm
by bruce
Your Task manager post clearly shows that you're choking the CPU. AdvDef / TruePNG tasks are killing your FAH performance. I'd start with one copy (or zero) and leave more resources for FAH, but that's your choice. [Are you sure you're benefiting from them?]
Reduce the activities your CPU has to do until FAHCore_a4 is able to access the assigned number of CPU threads. You show 7 CPUs contending for a total of 23% of your system. Assuming all the Non-FAH activites cannot be reduced (probably a bad assumption, but at least it's a place to start). Adjust the CPU slot to use, say 2 or 3 or 4 CPUs instead of either 7 or -1. That will seek 25% or 37% or 50% leaving some resources for other things. Whatever it takes to leave a bit of idle time.
Once the CPU task can get whatever resources it wants, there will be enough left over for FahCore_21.
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:11 pm
by Bryman
foldy wrote:Checkout the post from toTOW with your next 13000 work unit.
If folding on GPU has not enough CPU resources then GPU usage will go down.
So keep one CPU core idle or tweak your CPU priorities to get also 13000 work units to full GPU usage.
If you use your CPU for other things like there PNG optimization then maybe remove folding CPU slot and only fold on GPU.
What is your CPU type/name?
i7-3770k clocked at 3.7ghz
bruce wrote:Your Task manager post clearly shows that you're choking the CPU. AdvDef / TruePNG tasks are killing your FAH performance. I'd start with one copy (or zero) and leave more resources for FAH, but that's your choice. [Are you sure you're benefiting from them?]
Reduce the activities your CPU has to do until FAHCore_a4 is able to access the assigned number of CPU threads. You show 7 CPUs contending for a total of 23% of your system. Assuming all the Non-FAH activites cannot be reduced (probably a bad assumption, but at least it's a place to start). Adjust the CPU slot to use, say 2 or 3 or 4 CPUs instead of either 7 or -1. That will seek 25% or 37% or 50% leaving some resources for other things. Whatever it takes to leave a bit of idle time.
Once the CPU task can get whatever resources it wants, there will be enough left over for FahCore_21.
Over 99% of the time I'm just browsing the web and have the a4 set to 7 out of 8 threads (default) and am running Fahcore_21
It ONLY happens with 13xxx projects... and other than that my gpu usage is usually around 96-97 minimum... except when browsing the web sometimes it drops down to as low as about 80
But when running a 13xxx project it's at about 25%...
I tried setting Fahcore_21 to "normal" priority and a4 set to "low" priority but that didn't raise my PPD at all
There was still about 5% cpu free (the processor WU was taking 87% and the video card WU was taking 6% while other stuff was taking 2%) and Fahcore_21 had higher priority than the processor WU and it was still at 25% gpu usage
Normally the video card WU is only 1% cpu but with the 13xxx project it's at 6%
The processor WU might of been impacting the video card WU performance by a MAXIMUM of 15%... and that's when browsing the web... but not 75%
I think I even tried pausing the processor WU one time and it didn't raise the PPD any... gpu usage was still 25%... cpu was over 90% open
Re: Low PPD on some WUs
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:48 pm
by Bryman
Omg.. I just got a 13xxx project and tried pausing the CPU WU and the gpu usage went from 25% to 98%... weird
So I guess on 13xxx projects I just have to not run cpu folding
Even weirder... with cpu folding paused, cpu usage on Fahcore_21 is only 1-2%, with it running it's 6-7%
I know i7s are hyperthreaded... so it makes sense the cpu usage would be lower if an actual core was free rather than a thread.. but still