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Re: project 2665, project 2662, and improvements to come

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:34 pm
by Leoslocks
The 2665 project has cut my PPD down running Q6600's.
I have gone from approximately 2200 PPD to sub 1800 PPD.

Q9450 @ 3.2
Vista Ultimate 64
4 GB ram

Project: 2665 (Run 3, Clone 614, Gen 6)
12:33 Per 1%

Q6600 stock 2.4
Vista Home Premium 32
2 GB ram

Project: 2665 (Run 2, Clone 353, Gen 3)
16:50 per 1%

Same setup on different machine

Project: 2665 (Run 3, Clone 257, Gen 6)
16:55 per 1%

Re: project 2665, project 2662, and improvements to come

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:05 pm
by Mobius0412
A little OC helps:

Q6600 @ 3.0 GHz
Vista Home Premium 32
2 GB ram

Project: 2665 (Run 3, Clone 917, Gen 7)
14:50 per 1%

FahSpy estimates 1863 PPD

Re: project 2665, project 2662, and improvements to come

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:45 am
by larvi
Thanks Mobius,

My Q6600 at 2.88Ghz 2GB WinXP 32
Project: 2665 (Run 2, Clone 294, Gen 8)
About 15:30 per frame

Which is pretty much right in line with what you are seeing on Vista 32 taking in account the different clock speed. So it doesn't appear that Vista 32 is an issue, would like to see some times from someone running Vista 64 on a Q6600 to see how they compare. I'm not sure how much better a Q9450 is vs a Q6600 to compare with Leo's system.

Re: project 2665, project 2662, and improvements to come

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:57 pm
by Sunin
Any hints on the A2 core release time frame?

Obviously I'm anxious to stop this dual smp crud, even though for the last 2 months I've gotten it FINALLY 100% stable!


Re: project 2665, project 2662, and improvements to come

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:56 pm
by toTOW
Sunin wrote:Any hints on the A2 core release time frame?
No ... :(

Re: project 2665, project 2662, and improvements to come

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:59 pm
by jrweiss
Another couple data points:

E6850, P35 MoBo, 2 GB DDR2/1066, XP Pro 32
Proj 2665 [2/177/7]
Cores using 433 MB RAM + 520 MB Virtual
Total in use 1,255 MB RAM + 1,145 MB virtual
~1300 PPD, 20min:55sec/frame
Total system consumption 170 Watts (including monitor)

Q9450, X48 MoBo, 4 GB DDR2/1066, XP Pro 32
Proj 2665 [0/396/10]
Cores using 426 MB RAM + 513 MB Virtual
Total in use 1,114 MB RAM + 1,002 MB Virtual
~1700 PPD, 16min:05sec/frame [on 3 cores; GPU2 also running]

GPU2 Proj 4707[4/17/112]
Core using 13.5 MB RAM + 14.2 MB Virtual
~1500 PPD, 55sec/frame
Total system consumption 250 Watts (including monitor)

WU 2653 15 minute steps, 2665 30 minute steps, whassupwiddis

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:05 am
by tmoble
#2653 produces 1760 pts, ~15 min per step, finishes about 24-25 hours on this Phenom

#2665 produces 1920 pts. ~30 min per step, finishes about 48 hours

I see the 2653 has 77,583 atoms, 2665 has 14,170?

This doesn't seem reasonable? I see a lot of other posts about the 2665 EUE repeatedly, slow, etc. What's up with this?

Merged post with one of the 2 long running threads on this topic. No need for a 3rd. -7im