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Re: Not getting credit for completed and successfully sent WU's

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:59 pm
by 7im
As Bruce said, Mods and Admins can't do as much as before, but CAN still check on the last WU from each client, which is helpful sometimes.

Pande Group can still search all of the data, if it comes down to that.

Nothing of that sort is being perpetuated, except maybe by the nature of your questions, or did I read too much in to your wording of the questions? ;)

Re: Not getting credit for completed and successfully sent WU's

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:57 pm
by noorman

I 'm just of the opinion that a few queries by a few Mods should not be able to trouble a server that much that it becomes a major problem.

It 's not that you guys are querying those databases every minute of the day, are you ?
I still think that this querying is an important feature of the crediting system (for F@H and Stanford)


Re: Not getting credit for completed and successfully sent WU's

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:08 pm
by bruce
A few queries by the Mods weren't the problem. It's creating extra tables and inserting new data into those tables that takes the time. That's the same reason the WU counts by project were removed -- too much time was spend inserting/indexing data that wasn't essential to the fundamental stats themselves.

Queries by the general public while the stats were being updated WAS a big problem, which is why they were shut down. That's a lot more queries and a lot more record locking/unlocking which did interfere with the insertion of new data.