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Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:38 pm
by jimerickson
hope this helps:

Code: Select all

jimerickson@odysseus:~$ --verbose
Loading configuration from file: /home/jimerickson/.fci/fci-client.conf.
 username         : admin
 password         : ********
 client-name      : smp2
 fah-dir          : /home/smp2/
 client-name      : gpu3
 fah-dir          : /home/gpu3
Successfully loaded configuration file.

Effective command line:
 /usr/local/bin/ --username admin --password ******** --name gpu3 --dir /home/gpu3 --verbose

Checking paths for qd binary ... 
Found qd at: /usr/local/bin/qd

Checking paths for qdinfo.dat file ... 
Found qdinfo.dat at: /usr/local/share/fci/qdinfo.dat

Verifying fci directory: /home/jimerickson/.fci/ ... Exists.

Updating path of qd binary ... 
Using qd at: /home/jimerickson/.fci/qd

Updating path of qdinfo.dat file ... 
Using qdinfo.dat at: /home/jimerickson/.fci/qdinfo.dat

Verifying file permissions and existance:
 Checking: /home/jimerickson/.fci/ ... OK
 Checking: /home/jimerickson/.fci/qdinfo.dat ... OK
 Checking: /home/jimerickson/.fci/qd ... OK
 Checking: /home/gpu3/queue.dat ... OK
 Checking: /home/gpu3/work/ ... MISSING! (OK, not required)
 Checking: /home/gpu3/client.cfg ... OK
 Checking: /home/gpu3/FAHlog.txt ... OK
 Checking: /home/gpu3/FAHlog-Prev.txt ... OK
 Checking: /home/gpu3/unitinfo.txt ... OK
 Checking: /home/jimerickson/.fci/fci-client.conf ... OK

Upload URL:
Verifying access to URL ... Success!

Updating qd files.
Retrieving URL: ... Success
Reading file from disk: /home/jimerickson/.fci/qdinfo.dat ... Done.

  Local version: 2010-08-28
Fetched version: 2010-08-28

  Local functional revision: 083
Fetched functional revision: 083

  Local generation time: Sat Aug 28 03:00:01 2010
Fetched generation time: Sat Aug 28 03:00:01 2010

Versions are the same, no update of qdinfo.dat necessary.
Not updating qd binary, use --update-qd to also update the binary.
The binary will only be updated if there is a more recent functional revision.
Finished updating qd files.

Running qd binary to parse the Folding@Home client files.
Executing: "/home/jimerickson/.fci/qd" -n "/home/jimerickson/.fci/qdinfo.dat" -f "/home/gpu3/" -x

Composing list of files to upload:
 Checking: /home/gpu3/client.cfg ... Upload.
 Checking: /home/gpu3/FAHlog.txt ... Upload.
 Checking: /home/gpu3/FAHlog-Prev.txt ... Upload.
 Checking: /home/gpu3/MyFolding.html ... Upload.
 Checking: /home/gpu3/unitinfo.txt ... Upload.
 Checking: /home/gpu3/work/ ... Skip. (Nonexistent)

Looking up CPU and RAM information:
 CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5450  @ 3.00GHz 3000.000 MHz 6144 KB Cache
 RAM: 66112676 kB

Looking up GPU information:
 GPU: nVidia GeForce GTX 480 1.50 GB (195.36.24) Temp: 65C Fan: 100%

Looking up Operating System information.
Reading file from disk: /etc/debian_version ... Done.
 Name    : Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
 Version : Linux 2.6.32-24-generic
 Hardware: x86_64
 Uptime  :  09:36:07 up 3 days,  1:52,  2 users,  load average: 9.00, 8.65, 8.51

Uploading data to the server ... Authentication Required!
The server responded with a HTTP 401 status code.
Retrying with Authentication credentials.

Using authentication credentials:
 Realm      : Folding@Home Client Info
 Username   : admin
 Password   : ********

Uploading data to the server ... Success.

##############################[ Server Response ]##############################

FCI Server v1.6.3: Receiving new upload on 2010-08-29 09:36:08.

Checking client version...
v1.0 or newer, no conversion required.

Upload parameters validated.

Client      : gpu3
OS Name     : Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
OS Version  : Linux 2.6.32-24-generic
OS Hardware : x86_64
OS Uptime   : 09:36:07 up 3 days,  1:52,  2 users,  load average: 9.00, 8.65, 8.51
CPU         : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5450  @ 3.00GHz 3000.000 MHz 6144 KB Cache
RAM         : 66112676 kB
GPU         : nVidia GeForce GTX 480 1.50 GB (195.36.24) Temp: 65C Fan: 100%
FCI Version : 1.5.1
IP Address  :
Hostname    :
User-Agent  : fci-client/1.5.1

Saved qd data to: client-data/gpu3/

Saving uploaded files:
 Checking: client.cfg        Uploaded   Saved to: client-data/gpu3/
 Checking: FAHlog.txt        Uploaded   Saved to: client-data/gpu3/
 Checking: FAHlog-Prev.txt   Uploaded   Saved to: client-data/gpu3/
 Checking: MyFolding.html    Uploaded   Saved to: client-data/gpu3/
 Checking: unitinfo.txt      Uploaded   Saved to: client-data/gpu3/
 Checking:       Missing

Creating new FAHlog-Complete.txt:
 Adding: FAHlog-Prev.txt
 Adding: FAHlog.txt
Saved to: client-data/gpu3/

Creating new client.xml:
 Adding: Client information
 Adding: Files list
 Adding: Network information
 Adding: Operating System information
 Adding: Hardware information
Saved to: client-data/gpu3/

Processing client project.
Current workunit:
 Project: 10632 (Run 94, Clone 36, Gen 27)
 WU Name: OPENMMGMX_test
Project and trajectory already known.

Upload processing completed on 2010-08-29 09:36:16.
Execution time: 8.04576 wallclock secs ( 4.50 usr +  0.01 sys =  4.51 CPU)

##############################[ Server Response ]##############################
and the smp client:

Code: Select all

jimerickson@odysseus:~$ --verbose --name smp2 --dir /home/smp2
Loading configuration from file: /home/jimerickson/.fci/fci-client.conf.
 username         : admin
 password         : ********
Successfully loaded configuration file.

Effective command line:
 /usr/local/bin/ --username admin --password ******** --name smp2 --dir /home/smp2 --verbose

Checking paths for qd binary ... 
Found qd at: /usr/local/bin/qd

Checking paths for qdinfo.dat file ... 
Found qdinfo.dat at: /usr/local/share/fci/qdinfo.dat

Verifying fci directory: /home/jimerickson/.fci/ ... Exists.

Updating path of qd binary ... 
Using qd at: /home/jimerickson/.fci/qd

Updating path of qdinfo.dat file ... 
Using qdinfo.dat at: /home/jimerickson/.fci/qdinfo.dat

Verifying file permissions and existance:
 Checking: /home/jimerickson/.fci/ ... OK
 Checking: /home/jimerickson/.fci/qdinfo.dat ... OK
 Checking: /home/jimerickson/.fci/qd ... OK
 Checking: /home/smp2/queue.dat ... OK
 Checking: /home/smp2/work/ ... MISSING! (OK, not required)
 Checking: /home/smp2/client.cfg ... OK
 Checking: /home/smp2/FAHlog.txt ... OK
 Checking: /home/smp2/FAHlog-Prev.txt ... MISSING! (OK, not required)
 Checking: /home/smp2/unitinfo.txt ... OK
 Checking: /home/jimerickson/.fci/fci-client.conf ... OK

Upload URL:
Verifying access to URL ... Success!

Updating qd files.
Retrieving URL: ... Success
Reading file from disk: /home/jimerickson/.fci/qdinfo.dat ... Done.

  Local version: 2010-08-28
Fetched version: 2010-08-28

  Local functional revision: 083
Fetched functional revision: 083

  Local generation time: Sat Aug 28 03:00:01 2010
Fetched generation time: Sat Aug 28 03:00:01 2010

Versions are the same, no update of qdinfo.dat necessary.
Not updating qd binary, use --update-qd to also update the binary.
The binary will only be updated if there is a more recent functional revision.
Finished updating qd files.

Running qd binary to parse the Folding@Home client files.
Executing: "/home/jimerickson/.fci/qd" -n "/home/jimerickson/.fci/qdinfo.dat" -f "/home/smp2/" -x

Composing list of files to upload:
 Checking: /home/smp2/client.cfg ... Upload.
 Checking: /home/smp2/FAHlog.txt ... Upload.
 Checking: /home/smp2/FAHlog-Prev.txt ... Skip. (Nonexistent)
 Checking: /home/smp2/MyFolding.html ... Upload.
 Checking: /home/smp2/unitinfo.txt ... Upload.
 Checking: /home/smp2/work/ ... Skip. (Nonexistent)

Looking up CPU and RAM information:
 CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5450  @ 3.00GHz 3000.000 MHz 6144 KB Cache
 RAM: 66112676 kB

Looking up GPU information:
 GPU: nVidia GeForce GTX 480 1.50 GB (195.36.24) Temp: 65C Fan: 100%

Looking up Operating System information.
Reading file from disk: /etc/debian_version ... Done.
 Name    : Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
 Version : Linux 2.6.32-24-generic
 Hardware: x86_64
 Uptime  :  09:47:40 up 3 days,  2:03,  2 users,  load average: 8.42, 8.53, 8.52

Uploading data to the server ... Authentication Required!
The server responded with a HTTP 401 status code.
Retrying with Authentication credentials.

Using authentication credentials:
 Realm      : Folding@Home Client Info
 Username   : admin
 Password   : ********

Uploading data to the server ... Success.

##############################[ Server Response ]##############################

FCI Server v1.6.3: Receiving new upload on 2010-08-29 09:47:40.

Checking client version...
v1.0 or newer, no conversion required.

Upload parameters validated.

Client      : smp2
OS Name     : Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
OS Version  : Linux 2.6.32-24-generic
OS Hardware : x86_64
OS Uptime   : 09:47:40 up 3 days,  2:03,  2 users,  load average: 8.42, 8.53, 8.52
CPU         : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5450  @ 3.00GHz 3000.000 MHz 6144 KB Cache
RAM         : 66112676 kB
GPU         : nVidia GeForce GTX 480 1.50 GB (195.36.24) Temp: 65C Fan: 100%
FCI Version : 1.5.1
IP Address  :
Hostname    :
User-Agent  : fci-client/1.5.1

Saved qd data to: client-data/smp2/

Saving uploaded files:
 Checking: client.cfg        Uploaded   Saved to: client-data/smp2/
 Checking: FAHlog.txt        Uploaded   Saved to: client-data/smp2/
 Checking: FAHlog-Prev.txt   Missing
 Checking: MyFolding.html    Uploaded   Saved to: client-data/smp2/
 Checking: unitinfo.txt      Uploaded   Saved to: client-data/smp2/
 Checking:       Missing

Creating new FAHlog-Complete.txt:
 Adding: FAHlog.txt
Saved to: client-data/smp2/

Creating new client.xml:
 Adding: Client information
 Adding: Files list
 Adding: Network information
 Adding: Operating System information
 Adding: Hardware information
Saved to: client-data/smp2/

Processing client project.
Current workunit:
 Project: 2684 (Run 8, Clone 13, Gen 15)
 WU Name: p2684_SINGLE VESICLE in water
Project and trajectory already known.

Upload processing completed on 2010-08-29 09:47:47.
Execution time: 6.81181 wallclock secs ( 3.47 usr +  0.01 sys =  3.48 CPU)

##############################[ Server Response ]##############################

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:48 pm
by smoking2000
I don't see the error there, what about a manual run of --verbose?

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:56 pm
by jimerickson
output profuse but here is the relevant part i think:

Code: Select all

Validating project trajectory: 10632 (r70c1g8) ... 
Project trajectory validated.

Warning: No .xyz file for project trajectory: 10632 (r70c1g8), skipping.

Validating project trajectory: 10632 (r33c10g41) ... 
Project trajectory validated.

Warning: No .xyz file for project trajectory: 10632 (r33c10g41), skipping.

Validating project trajectory: 10632 (r52c4g26) ... 
Project trajectory validated.

Warning: No .xyz file for project trajectory: 10632 (r52c4g26), skipping.

Validating project trajectory: 10632 (r15c3g5) ... 
Project trajectory validated.

Warning: No .xyz file for project trajectory: 10632 (r15c3g5), skipping.

Validating project trajectory: 10632 (r51c2g40) ... 
Project trajectory validated.

Warning: No .xyz file for project trajectory: 10632 (r51c2g40), skipping.

Validating project trajectory: 10632 (r66c4g27) ... 
Project trajectory validated.

Warning: No .xyz file for project trajectory: 10632 (r66c4g27), skipping.

Validating project trajectory: 10632 (r50c4g22) ... 
Project trajectory validated.

Warning: No .xyz file for project trajectory: 10632 (r50c4g22), skipping.

Validating project trajectory: 10632 (r25c19g17) ... 
Project trajectory validated.

Warning: No .xyz file for project trajectory: 10632 (r25c19g17), skipping.

Validating project trajectory: 10632 (r) ... 
Error: Invalid trajectory ID! (r)

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:06 pm
by smoking2000
For some unknown reason your /var/www/fci/xml-data/known-project-10632.xml got an invalid trajectory, you should edit this file and remove the erroneous trajectory.

Remove the whole <trajectory>...</trajectory> block where the <id> is 'r'

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:14 pm
by jimerickson
i wonder what happened?? anyway i edit the file like you said and that seems to have made the mail warning go away. thank you smoking2000!!

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:55 am
by jimerickson

i am running dual gtx480's and i have noticed that fci gives the temperature and fan speed of gpu0 for both cards. how can i get it to detect the temperature and fan speed of the second card gpu1. thank you for all your work.

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:40 am
by smoking2000
You can't currently, only the first GPU is checked. When the v7 client comes out with its ability to run multiple clients at once, I'll adapt FCI to detect more than 1 piece of foldable hardware.

You could hack (get_gpu() specifically) to not skip everything after finding the first GPU

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:21 pm
by rhavern

I thought of something that would be useful in the next release, if possible. On the username page, if a client is stopped, hung, EUE paused, etc. it displays a warning symbol. Would it be possible to display a warning if the client has failed on single WUs without going into a pause in say the last 24 hours? I've now got so many clients that it would be useful to have that info summarized in one place and so far the username page is where I check regularly.

Again, thanks for your work, FCI rocks.

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:47 pm
by smoking2000
Can you elaborate a bit more on your feature request?

I'm not sure what state you're trying to detect.

Do you mean reporting on deleted WUs that were retried in the next queue index, instead of going to sleep after an UNSTABLE_MACHINE error or something?

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:54 pm
by rhavern
Occasionally you may get a bad WU that for whatever reason doesn't complete, but there is nothing wrong with the hardware. Currently the only way the FCI flags is if the client goes into the 24 hour EUE pause. What I'd like is another symbol the indicates a single failed WU. This way I can report the WU as potentially bad on the forum. As it stands, the only way to see single WU failures is through individual logs or specific client pages on FCI. If this was reported somehow on the username page, it would make looking after the farm simpler.

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:22 pm
by smoking2000
Just reporting deleted WUs with a Client State Marker is easy, although I'd like an acknowledgment function to mark which deleted you've already investigated. So you don't keep seeing a red D next to your client for a WU that failed maybe 9 WUs ago. The markers are intended to show the current status, a previous failed WU is valuable to know especially with the super fast moving GPU3 WUs that you can complete in an hour or so, but it's not the current status, that's running normally or one of the other already reported states.

I've put it on the enhancements list in the FCI Trac.

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:28 pm
by rhavern
That works for me, most of my clients are GPU.

New release of FCI: v1.7

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:12 pm
by smoking2000
New release of FCI: v1.7

The most important change in this release is that project image generation has moved from client upload time to XML processing time. Doing image generation during client upload processing broke in recent releases of Slackware and Arch Linux. This change also has the nice side-effect that client upload are handle much more quickly now which will allow for more concurrent uploads.

This is the first release to use the new URL for the project website in my own domain:

Many thanks to my teammate BiLe for hosting the subdomain for the past 5 years. And with the move to my own domain I also set up rudimentary project management with Trac which gives us a bug tracker, a documentation wiki, and another SVN browser: The Wiki is a work in progress, and submitting new tickets requires registration.

This new release includes all the changes from SVN and some important bugfixes. The installer was enhanced to also generate fci-client & fci-server crontab files ready for copying to /etc/cron.d/ and the apache configuration is auto generated as well.

The FCI client has seen a minor improvement, it also reports the fan speed if nvidia-settings reports this on Linux. Upgrading your FCI clients to this version is only required if you want to use this feature.

The lastest FCI release (and previous releases) can be downloaded from the project website, or you can use the direct link.

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:36 am
by rhavern
Upgrade was a breeze, will see what the new, improved FCI looks like in an hour.


EDIT: One hour later, it all looks fine. The average BPPD for the CPUs is just what I was looking for, thanks!

Re: FCI: Folding@Home Client Info (Web based client monitor)

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:49 am
by smoking2000
You won't see any direct changes, only to CPU clients. The project image will not be available directly after the client and project are processed by (at xx:30), but only after has run (at xx:45).

Beside this changes, this is mostly a bugfix release that I needed to get out of the door, so that I can continue with the feature requests and other development. :)