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Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:12 am
by bollix47
The only error I'm seeing in my HFM is Client Type = Unknown. Other than that all columns appear to be correct including the 4 day preferred deadline, PPD & credit. The Project Summary shows 4 & 6 days which is identical to P6900. Perhaps the data has changed since you first downloaded the Project Summary and you need to run Tools > Download Projects from Stanford again.

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:33 pm
by harlam357
Try that first as bollix suggests... but if you still aren't seeing what should be the correct bonus, goto Edit > Preferences > Options > Debug Message Level and change it to Verbose.

Then open the Messages Window (F7) and refresh the client in question (F5). Post up the messages written on refresh here in code tags.

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:05 pm
by liquoredonlife
bollix47 wrote:The only error I'm seeing in my HFM is Client Type = Unknown. Other than that all columns appear to be correct including the 4 day preferred deadline, PPD & credit. The Project Summary shows 4 & 6 days which is identical to P6900. Perhaps the data has changed since you first downloaded the Project Summary and you need to run Tools > Download Projects from Stanford again.
Oh wow, that worked. I was under the assumption that HFM periodically pulled psummary whenever any new work unit started (monitoring 3 others as well- 2 regular SMP and 1 GPU). Silly me. Thanks!

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:31 pm
by harlam357
It does pull the information if a project is not recognized. However, if project information is there it won't. In this case I think the project information was pulled at a time when it was incorrect on the psummary. So to update an existing project a manual refresh is required.

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:47 am
by harlam357
New Version: 0.6.2 - Revision 336 - Beta - Download

Usability update, no major changes. Please see the Google Code page for a list of what has changed. You'll all be happy to know the cosmetic issues due to the GRO-A5 switch have been taken care of. Also, changes to GPU3 log parsing to deal with the latest OPENMMGPU core have been added.

Check the HFM Google Code page for downloads and details on the changes. As always, if you need to find me quickly, see below. I usually answer pretty quickly.


Need help with HFM? Have a Feature Request? Please Join the Discussions. Post in the HFM Google Group.

Question on merging work unit history databases

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:33 pm
by GreyWhiskers
I am running v0.6.2Beta, on all of my computers - where they now keep track of the string of WUs on my Digital Storm Sandy Bridge computer - that's the only computer I have left that is still running v6. Since about 97% of my ppd comes from that big system, I like to see the ebb and flow of the individual work units.

The instances of HFM on three different computers go down from time to time. That results in individual HFM databases missing events that occurred when they weren't up.

The question is whether there is a way to merge the databases used by the instances to pick up completed WUs that one of the computers picked up, but the others didn't?

Thanks. GW.

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:21 pm
by DocJonz
I've followed one of the links about getting HFM.NET running under Ubuntu 10.04, but I have a question regarding adding clients from across a network (sorry, its probably a n00b question!);
If I click "Add Client" and then "Browse", at the bottom of the list is the option of "Network", but this is as far as it gets - I'm assuming I have to 'mount' all the network drives to be able to see them here? If so what is the format/syntax for doing so and can it be put in the equivalent of a batch file? (I want to use HFM.NET on a couple of Linux machines to monitor clients on WinXP, Win7 and Linux64. Samba is installed on all the Linux boxes, so I can see the other Computers from Places/Network, but not in the HFM.NET browse box).

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:42 pm
by harlam357
# mount -t cifs //server-name/share-name /mnt/cifs -o username=shareuser,password=sharepassword

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:32 pm
by DrBB1
The instances of HFM on three different computers go down from time to time. That results in individual HFM databases missing events that occurred when they weren't up. The question is whether there is a way to merge the databases used by the instances to pick up completed WUs that one of the computers picked up, but the others didn't?
I have a similar question. I travel and I'd love to be able to return to base and keep the database on each client in sync.

BTW, great application! Image

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:50 pm
by harlam357
Thanks so much!!! :) Someone else has requested something similar... I've expanded on it and the Issue can be found here:

In general, I know its been a while since I've released an update. Couple reasons, got a little burnt out, had some things change in my RL, and have recently been concentrating on my v7 interface implementation; which has been coming along nicely in the last couple weeks as I've had more time and energy to work on it. Still have a ways to go... so it's not coming tomorrow but work is progressing.

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:17 pm
by DrBB1
harlam357-- Thanks for the rapid reply. I'll be looking forward to the enhancement!

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:42 pm
by DocJonz
Harlam357 - Now that another new v7 client has been "released" .... how's the HFM update coming on?

Re: HFM.NET - Monitoring Application for Folding@Home V5/V6

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:22 pm
by harlam357
The v7 Client API has been written and appears stable... although I've yet to test it with the latest release. Suffice it to say v7 is such a drastic change from v6 and previous that (after due diligence) I've decided to rewrite much of the core of HFM. Things are just too v6 bound to wedge in v7 functionality and be happy with the results, which in the end is going to be an FAHControl replacement (hopefully). I'd say this encompasses about a 50~60% rewrite.

I've had absolutely no fun trying to supplant v7 into my current code base. Basically the issue between 'clients' and 'slots' and the UI is really where the problem lies. For instance, v7 clients can notify an application that the state of the client has changed and the UI can update accordingly. In HFM everything is centered around doing a 'refresh' cycle of the v6 client artifacts (logs, queue, etc) and then parsing them for data. This only happens at an interval because it's a costly operation. There's much more ongoing communication that needs to happen with v7 that this 'fetch and update' model just doesn't support.

So, to answer your question. Not very quickly; but I just made this decision within the last few days and I'm working on it right now... so hopefully things will look better soon. :)

Re: HFM.NET - Monitoring Application for Folding@Home V5/V6

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:16 pm
by rjbelans
Sounds great Harlam, I look forward to trying it out once it's ready.

Re: HFM.NET - Monitoring Application for Folding@Home V5/V6

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:44 am
by harlam357
I've been working on the upgrade and have successfully built in connection support for v7. Now my goal is data aggregation; which means, how to map the v7 data into data that makes sense to the HFM system... and I'm close, really close. Of course there are still issues to work out; but from a development standpoint I'm getting there. I want to have something to show by the end of the year... and trust me, as soon as I have something significant to show, I'll show it.

Thanks for your patience everyone!