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Re: Ever shrinking window of availabiliy of stats.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:18 pm
by eliot1785
kelliegang wrote:I was referring to the stats as a whole but I'm just going to have to chalk it up as something I dont understand.

The points, I get.
The work units contributed [not specific projects], I get.
Needing more detail displayed SOMEWHERE for PS3... I get [but think that is an issue to take up with SOE not the Pande Group]

Why you need a record of the detail of every project you've ever worked on to be displayed on a website, and you cant just keep record of it on your own system..... I dont get ;)

Ah well hehe.
Recording it on your own system becomes more difficult if you have multiple systems contributing, especially if they are in different physical locations, or a computer retires, etc, not to mention data corruption. It is certainly possible to keep track of it on your side, but possibly a lot of work.

Meanwhile, one of the main points of the stats system is as a promotional tool to get people involved in F@H ("look, I contributed 12 WU's toward this great study!"), so it makes sense to make it easy.

That said, obviously Pande Group is working on a lot of other things right now, so if this buys them more time, then it is a good temporary policy.

Re: Ever shrinking window of availabiliy of stats.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:21 pm
by kelliegang
The amount of work units you've contributed isn't going to disappear from the stats... only the individual projects that you've completed... and imagine, the same difficulties you are facing in maintaining the data multiplied by 1.2 million.....

Re: Ever shrinking window of availabiliy of stats.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:42 pm
by eliot1785
kelliegang wrote:The amount of work units you've contributed isn't going to disappear from the stats... only the individual projects that you've completed...
Yes I know, but we were talking about the individual project stats. As I said, there is a good reason to maintain those stats in the long run as a promotional tool, which fortunately it looks like they intend to do.