Re: Ever shrinking window of availabiliy of stats.
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:18 pm
Recording it on your own system becomes more difficult if you have multiple systems contributing, especially if they are in different physical locations, or a computer retires, etc, not to mention data corruption. It is certainly possible to keep track of it on your side, but possibly a lot of work.kelliegang wrote:I was referring to the stats as a whole but I'm just going to have to chalk it up as something I dont understand.
The points, I get.
The work units contributed [not specific projects], I get.
Needing more detail displayed SOMEWHERE for PS3... I get [but think that is an issue to take up with SOE not the Pande Group]
Why you need a record of the detail of every project you've ever worked on to be displayed on a website, and you cant just keep record of it on your own system..... I dont get
Ah well hehe.
Meanwhile, one of the main points of the stats system is as a promotional tool to get people involved in F@H ("look, I contributed 12 WU's toward this great study!"), so it makes sense to make it easy.
That said, obviously Pande Group is working on a lot of other things right now, so if this buys them more time, then it is a good temporary policy.