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Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:09 pm
by P5-133XL
Eveofwar wrote: Not sure why you're WU uploading takes 2.5+ minutes on SMP client...mine takes a matter of seconds. With "big" packets and advmethods.
It's the upload speed. Mine is capped via Comcast at 384Kbps or 48KB per second. Take a 50MB file transfered at 48KB per second and it just takes time. Even a 5MB file takes some time. Cable really is peferential to downloading rather than uploading. I can only guess that yours has a faster upload speed.

Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:16 pm
by drew3rdof3
kelliegang wrote:Dont suppose you'd be interested in writing up some basic instructions on how to configure a router to do that? A QoS guide for dummies?

Might help if people cite this as reason for not folding [and if the files are 50mb+ then this is definately valid, my experience has been limited to the cpu clients]. Anyone got access to the FAH wiki and able to fix the filesize information?

I am not the expert on this but I believe the instructions for configuring a router depend on the router. I think my ActionTek only allows prioritizing ports. I could be wrong but I have not found any different yet. I've read the higher end D-Link router's will prioritize LAN vs. wireless for HD streams or gaming. I'm not sure if limits can be set per LAN address which is another feature that would be useful while I am gaming.

Writing a guide that covers the configuration of all routers sounds like a big task to me. But again, I am not even close to being an expert.

I apologize for posting without helping but I also have an interest in your question, and I would like to hear an expert's opinion. Or as close as one can get to it.

Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:45 pm
by kelliegang
Writing a guide that covers the configuration of all routers sounds like a big task to me. But again, I am not even close to being an expert.
Ya, wasnt suggeting it cover all of them, just figured I might be able to translate it to my router ;) I think it'd be a good idea to add a scheduling system to the clients in the long run.

Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:35 pm
by Foxery
This thread went way off topic in a hurry. How about this spin on it:

Since there is no stable/easy/friendly Windows SMP client, (i.e. one that I'd trust the average WoW player with,) and since WoW players are unlikely to own quad-core CPUs when the game only supports 2, assume that this effort would strictly use the Classic Uniprocessor client and GPU client. Uploads for both of these are very small. Problem solved. ;)

Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:24 am
by kelliegang
Its still on topic.. kinda ;) whilst it's slightly offtopic I still think it would be a good idea to add a scheduling feature to upload/download work units don't you?
I agree that it's fairly safe to assume that the average WoW player probably wouldn't run the SMP client and would stick with the GPU and classic clients and if the GPU client uses small filesizes, then all is well and good... do we have an updated FAQ on filesizes for work units?

I'd like to again encourage any WoW players to email the community spotlight, join the Azerothian Science League folding team or post in the suggestions/offtopic forum on the WoW boards ;)

Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:33 pm
by kelliegang
I'm looking at making a monthly raffle to active world of warcraft contributors... going to try and get a Shadowfang or something similar every month to transfer to the winner's realm [5,000G value]. Thinking of making it open to anyone who has completed 3 or more work units in the month, anyone have suggestions/comments?

Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:58 pm
by MtM
Are you setting the bar low on purpose? 3 wu's is not allot, considering most of them would have pretty up to date gpu's and smp capable cpu's. Don't ask me to give a number, I'll likely set it way to high and the point should be inciting intrest and let it take it's course from then on.

Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:58 pm
by kelliegang
Most WoW players aren't willing to leave their computers running 24 hours a day and WoW doesnt require high end computers at all and most aren't technically minded so most of them will be using the uniprocessor client, I'm looking to strike a bit of balance between getting people interested and giving them a chance.

I was originally thinking 5-10 work units until I thought about my own crappy computers, with the uniprocessor clients it takes me 32-76hrs per work unit without any problems, slow, yes but at least it's something ;)

Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:06 am
by MtM
You're the one with hands on experience ;)

As I said, it more important to get the word out then to set a limit to participants, maybe I wouldn't even go as far as requiring more then one wu being submitted to be able to enter but I would be scared on the other hand that people would use multiple accounts with 1 unit to increase their chanches ( eg cheat ).

Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:08 am
by kelliegang
Yeah thats the problem trying to strike the balance... of course someone capable of doing more than 5 work units [which is just about anyone] will do the same thing if thats what they're like... an unfortunate risk but until there is some way of locking one CPU to one user on the stat servers this will be unavoidable.

What I would like to do is offer 1 to the highest work unit count and 1 randomly.... I might just wait until I can do that.

Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:06 am
by kelliegang
Figured I'd check with the powers that be before I launched the competition, seems they wouldnt take too kindly to an out of game competition with a reward ingame... :( Back to the drawing board ;)

Re: World of Warcraft and folding@home

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:11 am
by MtM
Counting wu's is not a good method, people can trash wu's and increase wu count that way pretty fast. Sorry, I seem to be seeing a flaw in everything you suggest, sorry :(