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Re: Stats

Post by Joe_H »

What that means is that so far Google has discontinued PNaCl, that is the portable implementation of NaCl that allowed creation of .pexe executables. Those would be translated into native code for the hardware/OS device the app was running on. So far Google has made no announcement on when they would be removing support for NaCl apps from the Chrome browser. Those download app executables that are compiled for the hardware platform they are run on. That is why the NaCl Folding client for Chrome only works on x86 hardware systems.
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Re: Stats

Post by ProDigit »

The way that I'm seeing things,
Back in 2008, folding for CPUs was the only thing available.
My AMD XP 2600+ did about a week of on and off folding to get 9 WUs done.

Now, my server just hit 2000 work units not even in 1 week.
I think for progress to be made, the project will be more and more dependable on GPUs.
1 $500 pc, with 2 good GPUs can do more folding than 100 regular desktop pcs (found in libraries) using the client software.
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Re: Stats

Post by bruce »

I'm not sure exactly what Google has decided. From a programmer's point of view, WebAssembly is a poor substitute for NaCl.

Also PNaCl is not the same as basic NaCl. I believe FAH's client uses basic NaCl. I see no signs of FAH being unable to run on whatever the latest Chrome browser supports nor do I see any reason for FAH to drop the NaCl client unless Google drops their support.
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