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Re: Change username / team automatically
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:04 am
by bruce
foldinghomealone2 wrote:No, when it's running then it gives an error message about same processes...
I tried both after closing of advanced client / FAHcontrol and after new installation. Both with same result of aborted WUs.
NOTE: There is no "advanced client"
FAHControl.exe is the Advanced Control.
FAHClient.exe is a background service that's started at boot time which processes WUs. User Control of that process is provided either with WebControl or the Advanced Control application. You should never try to start FAHClient.exe because it's already running and two copies are not allowed.
Re: Change username / team automatically
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 7:31 pm
by foldinghomealone2
My intention was to fold with
FAHclient --config config.xml
w/o Advanced Control nor Web Control.
I wanted to use different config.xml with different user information.
But it didn't work as shown in my previous post.
Then I tried a different approach with following commands which work:
Code: Select all
FAHClient --send-command "options passkey=xxx"
FAHClient --send-command "options team=xxx"
FAHClient --send-command "options user=xxx"
With those commands (and a few batch-files) I can automatically change user information.
Thanks for your help
Re: Change username / team automatically
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:28 pm
by SteveWillis
Very cool. Adding it to my notes for future reference.
Re: Change username / team automatically
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:15 am
by bruce
Fantastic. The "--send-command ..." is a much better way of doing what you want than trying to switching config.xml.
It should be noted that when you change passkey/team/user, the new settings apply to WUs that have not yet downloaded. The old settings still apply to those WUs which are already started. Also, each {passkey/user} pair must be re-qualified with 10 WUs before the bonus points kick in.
Re: Change username / team automatically
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 4:48 pm
by Yavanius
Haven't followed Folding in a whiles, so I'm like a newbie here...
Different teams I understand, by why different names? It seems like you can have different names (accounts??) contribute all to one or am I misunderstanding. I'm a little confused as if it is, I thought you couldn't do that. I have some other accounts because I set them up back in the legacy days where there was no function to set a team (you put it as part of the username). Not exactly sure why I ended up with more than one account...
I ended up choosing the account with the most credit (although compared to newer processing power, the differences I realize now would have been generally moot).
Thx, Yav
Re: Change username / team automatically
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:10 pm
by SteveWillis
Maybe by using different names it would be easier to keep up with how many points he earned for each team if he uses to keep track of points. But I don't really know.