Remote Monitoring?

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Re: Remote Monitoring?

Post by Qinsp »

It was a default 7.2.9 install in the default directory on a Win7-64 folding SMP16 + GPU. I did the Remote changes while it was folding.

The reason FAHControl could not edit the necessary lines of the Config file, was because it must be "connected" to the local machine ( first. If it isn't, the Config button will launch, however the only page to edit is the USER info, not the remote, or slots. etc. Even when I manually edited it, removing all the remote info, nothing changed.

While the machine is still folding OK, it starts to fill the log with SCANNING PORT xxxxx, in a steady stream, only occassionally interrupted by the actual log progress lines.

But the point is moot, I could not allow it keep running that way, so I uninstalled all, then reinstalled.
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Re: Remote Monitoring?

Post by bruce »

Aha. The FAHControl / WebControl apps in V7.3.6 no longer launche FAHClient. Either FAHClient. That needs to happen "automatically" and in the correct directory.

I didn't know why that change was made, but that should prevent the sort of scenario that you've run into from happening. Novices will be happy to let everything run by default. Experts will have to understand the documentation, including any changes since their last version.
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