JimF wrote:I run v7 on two PCs with Nvidia cards only, but am being forced against my will to consider v6 again for another PC due to my old nemesis, running mixed AMD/Nvidia cards. In particular, I want to fold on a GTX 560 while using an HD 7770 for other projects.
I can actually get the GTX 560 to fold easily enough with the right combination of GPU core/Cuda indices, but then it reverts back to the wrong card (the HD 7770) upon restarting v7. I have tried deleting the work folder, etc. to get rid of the HD 7770 and Core_16, but they keep coming back. In the past, I have sometimes had better luck (not perfect by any means) getting v6 to work on a particular card, and am about to try it again.
Either that, or else BOINC detects the cards properly.
I haven't tried it, so I don't know if it would work, but couldn't you set 'gpu' to 'false' (disabling auto-detect), and then manually add the GPU slot(s) you want?
You should use FAHControl to make the changes, of course, but here is a sample 'config.xml' that might fix this problem:
Code: Select all
<!-- User Information -->
<user value="art_l_j_PlanetAMD64"/> <!-- Enter your user name here -->
<team value="45862"/> <!-- Your team number -->
<passkey value="********************************"/> <!-- 32 hexadecimal characters if provided -->
<smp value="true"/> <!-- If true, attempt to autoconfigure SMP -->
<gpu value="false"/> <!-- If true, attempt to autoconfigure GPUs -->
<!-- Work Unit Control -->
<next-unit-percentage value="100"/>
<!-- Folding Slots -->
<slot id="0" type="SMP"/>
<slot id="1" type="GPU"/>
You would have to manually set the 'gpu-index', 'opencl-index', and 'cuda-index' to the required values, but you say that you already know what these values should be. I believe that this would turn off the 'autoconfigure GPUs' function which is causing your problem, but would still allow you to manually create the GPU slot(s) that you want. I have a WinXP system with a GPU WU that will be finished in about 20 minutes, so I will try it there and let you know if it works.