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Re: GPU Core Crashes (Or at least it doesn't work)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:04 pm
by Ikester
Thanks for the feedback folks! I tried memtestCL using default settings and found that the card fails the "Random blocks" test every 3-8 iterations. Here's the test result summary:

Code: Select all

Test summary:
50 iterations over 128 MiB of memory on device Cedar
      Moving inversions (ones and zeros): 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
                 Memtest86 walking 8-bit: 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
              True walking zeros (8-bit): 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
               True walking ones (8-bit): 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
              Moving inversions (random): 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
             True walking zeros (32-bit): 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
              True walking ones (32-bit): 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
                           Random blocks: 7 failed iterations
                                         (3493 total incorrect bits)
                     Memtest86 Modulo-20: 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
                           Integer logic: 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
                 Integer logic (4 loops): 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
            Integer logic (local memory): 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
   Integer logic (4 loops, local memory): 0 failed iterations
                                         (0 total incorrect bits)
Final error count: 7 test iterations with at least one error; 3493 errors total
Does that mean it's definitely bad or can the driver be implicated somehow?

Speaking of drivers, just where would I find version 12.8? As noted in my first post above I installed "12-10_vista_win7_win8_64_dd_ccc_whql_net4". In checking back at the AMD site, I also found the latest beta drivers:
"AMD_Catalyst_12.11_Beta4_dotNET4". Worth a try? There's also an "AMD_Catalyst_12.10_CAP1" but don't think this is a driver install.

Just to add to my confusion, at the Gigabyte site(My card is a model GV-R545-1GI made by Gigabyte) I found "vga_driver_amd_vista(win7)_8.881" and " vga_driver_amd_vista(win7)_8.982" versions (only two versions listed for my card besides the link to the drivers @ AMD's site.

If I do decide to try other drivers, what's the correct procedure? Do I just install over the existing or would I first uninstall? If the latter, just how is a driver uninstalled? Sorry if these are basic questions, it's just that I've never run into anything like this before.

Re: GPU Core Crashes (Or at least it doesn't work)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:20 pm
by bruce
Ikester wrote:If I do decide to try other drivers, what's the correct procedure? Do I just install over the existing or would I first uninstall? If the latter, just how is a driver uninstalled? Sorry if these are basic questions, it's just that I've never run into anything like this before.
If it were my system, I would treat i like a genuine hardware problem with the VRAM (but I don't know the driver issues so I might not be right).

You'll find more information here.

Re: GPU Core Crashes (Or at least it doesn't work)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:45 pm
by Rolo
It seems bugged:

You can try VMT as a "second opinion".

Re: GPU Core Crashes (Or at least it doesn't work)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:32 am
by Ikester
Rolo wrote:It seems bugged:

You can try VMT as a "second opinion".
Interesting reads! Thanks for the insights. By 'it' I now know you mean memtestCL. Since the devgurus topic concluded over a month ago with a seemingly flawless fix, why isn't the corrected version of memtestCL available yet ... or is it and I'm just not looking in the right place perhaps?

So what's VMT?

Re: GPU Core Crashes (Or at least it doesn't work)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:26 pm
by Rolo
Sorry, I was obscure there. Video Memory Test: ... AMS/vmt_en

Re: GPU Core Crashes (Or at least it doesn't work)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:53 pm
by proteneer
We are aware of this problem and will update the binaries soon.

Re: GPU Core Crashes (Or at least it doesn't work)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:35 pm
by Rolo
Yay! (I like memtest* better)

I take it a Win8 compatibility fix is also in the works? (someone elsewhere reported that it didn't work)

Re: GPU Core Crashes (Or at least it doesn't work)

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:48 am
by Ikester
Since a debugged memtestCL isn't yet available, I tried VMT and it doesn't find any errors. Mind you there are many options and I can't say I tried anything beyond the defaults.

I'm assuming the card is good and that the failure I was getting with memtestCL is a false positive. I did find version 12.8 and followed instructions as per the first post here. After all that, the card still fails. :( Dunno what to try at this point. Time to give up on my GPU I suppose. :e(

Re: GPU Core Crashes (Or at least it doesn't work)

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:26 pm
by P5-133XL
Rolo wrote:Yay! (I like memtest* better)

I take it a Win8 compatibility fix is also in the works? (someone elsewhere reported that it didn't work)
Win8 works, the problem is getting the right video drivers and disabling IPV6.