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Re: New Front end webpage is awful!

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:09 pm
by Jesse_V
And how would you organize it differently? Being specific would help.

I've looked at the websites of many other DC projects. I think ours has a much better design than most, but it can always be improved I suppose.

Re: New Front end webpage is awful!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:56 am
by b1llyb0y
7im; To be honest I dont know right now as I am a little busy but just compare FAH to GPUGRID as an example and you will see what I mean.

Its also possible from the time that I first posted to now that some changes were made, I have not looked.

Re: New Front end webpage is awful!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:59 pm
by RLHay
I have to say I hated the old web page and said so the moment I joined up. It wasn't long after that that the new front page came live. I doubt my opinion swayed anyone one way or the other...

I think we all have web pages we like because we are used to them and we know where to find what we want, regardless of how awful the page actually is to a first time visitor. That said any page can and should be improved over time. I think the current page is a huge improvement for first time visitors. A search box would be good. I'm happy with the idea of changing 'learn' to 'information' although each has pro's and con's. I did note that the quick links along the top of the page are absent when you drill down the STATS page to donor stats, team stats, folding facts etc. I'm sure this is an oversight, but it means clicking page back to get navigation links again, rather than going to the next topic of interest. Easily fixed.

Re: New Front end webpage is awful!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:44 pm
by 7im
The Stats pages run scripts to return the data, so they're a slightly different animal (different web space). However, I will see what can be done to add the navigation links to them.