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Re: Best way to fold?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:48 pm
by Burnham113
Panther, you said you were using GTX 260s to fold right? Did you overclock them? If so, what type of 260 did you use (stock, overclocked, superclocked) and what were the settings? I hear the shaders are most important, so you can skimp just alittle on core and memory values?

Re: Best way to fold?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:10 am
by Zagen30
I've got a stock PNY GTX 260 that I overclocked. You heard right about the shaders being the most important thing to OC. I've got my core and memory at stock (576/999), with the shaders stable at 1550 MHz. Some people even underclock the memory to reduce the power draw/heat output without affecting PPD, but since my card runs pretty cool I haven't felt the need to do that.

Re: Best way to fold?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:46 am
by PantherX
I have Gigabyte GTX 260 216SP SOC (Super OverClock Edition) and its default frequencies are; Core = 650 MHz, Memory = 1000 MHz, Shaders = 1400 MHz. My OC settings are; Core = 702 MHz, Memory = 1053 MHz, Shaders = 1508 MHz. I normally vary the settings depending on if I am gaming or not and the temperature of the GPU.