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Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:04 pm
by Talonman
Yes!! :D

I am looking for conformation on what type of clients FahMan is running...

His active clients (within 7 days) = 228

That would be 7 Fermi * 32 instances + 4 CPU clients running... (Looks correct to me.)

I am officially requesting the breakdown of those 228 clients, both for Xtreme Systems, and for the mighty EVGA Folding team.

How many were CPU, and how many were GPU folding? Also, if he was running multiple instances of the BETA GPU folding client, could you tell at your end.
This thread keeps being referred to on the net, and I just hate to see the guy get a bad rep. Especially considering the massive amount of folding he is doing.

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:25 pm
by 7im
Talonman, did you not read my post on the previous page? I already posted the break down of client types being run by fahman in the last 7 days.

P.S. Welcome to the forum.

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:46 pm
by Talonman
Thank you... Glad to be here. :)

Yes, I did see this: Very good conclusion. A little bird told me 4 SMP, 31 GPU, and the rest are CPU clients (at least in the last 7 days).

I was hoping there was a chance for error, and it didn't spell out the number of CPU clients you thought he was running.

The man is a hero to me. 8-) He is currently generating 382K PPD.

I also wanted to know if you can tell 100%, that the lions share of his points were NOT generated on a GPU.

More specifically, if he is running the BETA GPU folding program, can you tell at your end?

Are his points all being generated from the same IP address? If so, that would mean Fermi conformation.

Please convince me one more time!! I need to know for sure. Make sure you are looking at his stats on TEAM EVGA.
I actually joined, just to talk to you!! :shock:

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:55 pm
by toTOW
Talonman wrote:The man is a hero to me. 8-)
I guess it was the only thing he sought by posting such a thing ... which would probably cost him his accesses to unreleased hardware (if it is even true).

I won't trust someone who came and post only once with such a "breaking news", plus with a dead link in his post :roll:

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:58 pm
by Talonman
Yes, I know... :wink:

But he can fold up a storm. I want to believe him.

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:17 pm
by toTOW
Also, all his GPUs are folding standard WUs (p57xx) ... which I find completely unrealistic : an internal client with a brand new core wouldn't fold public WUs, especially at this early stage of development. Also, he can't run 200 client on the same machine as he claims : he'll never have enough spare Machine ID on a single machine (limited to 16), and from what I can see, he's not folding from a single machine with multiple clients.

Imho, this guy has access to a large amount of hardware (which can't be denied) which allow him to achieve a very nice score, but everything he writes about running unreleased hardware and client is bullshit.

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:21 pm
by Talonman
Wouldn't he only need 7 id's for the 7 Fermi running 32 instances each?

I guess I don't know if the BETA GPU client needs an id per instance, or per GPU.

7 Fermi * 32 instances + 4 CPU clients running = 228 (About what he is running.)

I only seek the truth, and his exact stats! :D
That little bird didn't do him any favors. :ewink:

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:31 pm
by 7im
I trust my source to be 100% accurate. In addition to the handful of SMP and GPU2 clients, he has close to 200 clients running the CPU client (and the average PPD output posted on the previous page matches this hardware list). The info was for all clients with the user name of fahman, so team info is irrelavant in this case. From what I could gather, the clients were all in the same location. But the information does not show on what kind of hardware these clients are running, just the client type. And in this case, it showed GPU2, unless he hacked together something with some OpenMM code to run under the GPU2 client, it doesn't appear to be GPU3. Note, since nobody knows what GPU3 looks like yet, I couldn't rule that out. However, GPU1 looked different from GPU2, and so GPU3 should look different also.

Either way, I pat the guy on the back for contributing with 200+ CPU clients, and would gladly shake his hand as they lead him out in front of the firing squad to be shot. If the post is true, he broke the trust of and agreements with so many development people it's not even funny. And if the post is false, it's just as bad if not worse. As I said before, nothing good comes from this kind of post. :evil:

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:36 pm
by toTOW
You really want to make me loose some time ... right I'll count his active CPUs (last 90 days) and list them by type :

Uniprocessor : 168
SMP : 25
GPU : 73
Total : 266

Well ... I think I didn't miss a lot :
Active clients (within 50 days) 269
Active clients (within 7 days) 237

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:50 pm
by Talonman
Thanks guys...

Not what I was wanting to hear, but I would rather have the truth.

I appreciate the effort, and info.


P.S. Your signature box needs to allow for bigger badges. :ewink:

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:15 pm
by Talonman
toTOW wrote:You really want to make me loose some time ... right I'll count his active CPUs (last 90 days) and list them by type :

Uniprocessor : 168
SMP : 25
GPU : 73
Total : 266

Well ... I think I didn't miss a lot :
Active clients (within 50 days) 269
Active clients (within 7 days) 237
2 last questions:

SMP means CPU only correct?

What does Uniprocessor represent, CPU or GPU folding?

Update: Just received the answer from an EVGA folder:

Uniprocessor (sloooow CPU client) : 168
SMP (high performance CPU client) : 25
GPU Clients: 73

Total : 266

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:26 pm
by bruce
The CPU client is also known as the classic client or the uniprocessor client. It uses one CPU core.
The SMP client uses 4 or more CPU cores cooperatively on a single WU.
The GPU client uses the processor on certain graphics cards to do the lion's share of the work.

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:35 pm
by Talonman
TY! :)

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:29 am
by Talonman
A few more questions... :wink: (If you cant tell, I really don't want to give up on the Fermi dream.)

It was posted: "From what I could gather, the clients were all in the same location."
Just to be crystal clear, are we talking all WU's from the same IP address?
If so, is that considered rather abnormal?

In my mind, that means 1 system with over 200 CPU's. I cant picture in my mind what that would look like.

It was also posted: "Note, since nobody knows what GPU3 looks like yet, I couldn't rule that out."
That must mean that no BETA testing is going on yet, and certainly not with anybody with 7 ES Fermi's?

FYI - He is still folding like a wild dog! :D

Thanks again, and fold on brothers!!

Re: GPU3 Client ATI Question.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:26 am
by toTOW
Talonman wrote:Just to be crystal clear, are we talking all WU's from the same IP address?
If so, is that considered rather abnormal?
No, it is perfectly normal : that's probably workstations at work or school ... (I hope he got written authorization to install the client).