Code: Select all
[12:39:07] Project: 5757 (Run 6, Clone 108, Gen 25)
[12:39:07] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[12:39:07] Entering M.D.
[12:39:14] Working on Protein
[12:39:14] Run: exception thrown during GuardedRun
[12:39:14] Run: exception thrown in GuardedRun -- Gromacs cannot continue further.
[12:39:14] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=0
[12:39:14] Work fraction=0.0000 steps=0.
[12:39:18] logfile size=0 infoLength=0 edr=0 trr=23
[12:39:18] - Writing 635 bytes of core data to disk...
[12:39:18] Done: 123 -> 124 (compressed to 100.8 percent)
[12:39:18] ... Done.
[12:39:18] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
[12:39:21] CoreStatus = 7A (122)
[12:39:21] Sending work to server
[12:39:21] Project: 5757 (Run 6, Clone 108, Gen 25)
[12:39:21] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
Then I stop folding a restart it, and after some tryings, it gets a 5506 and it works fine.