Hi everybody!
My PCs have been folding away for over a decade now. Team #79523, if you're interested.
I would like to rename some of the older donor PCs, partly to help distinguish them but also because the names are... not exactly suitable for work.
Is it possible to do this?
If so, how?
Can I rename old donor PCs?
Moderators: Site Moderators, FAHC Science Team
Re: Can I rename old donor PCs?
I presume you want somebody to change the records of points you accumulated in the past.
No. Once points are entered into the stats database, they are NOT altered. Changes you make in your client's configuration apply to future WUs only.
No. Once points are entered into the stats database, they are NOT altered. Changes you make in your client's configuration apply to future WUs only.
Posting FAH's log:
How to provide enough info to get helpful support.
How to provide enough info to get helpful support.
Re: Can I rename old donor PCs?
Thanks Bruce. But there's an exception to that for teams ranked 5629 or above, right? 

Re: Can I rename old donor PCs?
Not that I'm aware of.
Posting FAH's log:
How to provide enough info to get helpful support.
How to provide enough info to get helpful support.
Re: Can I rename old donor PCs?
Oh, how odd. But naturally, there must be an exception for people called Dave, though. I mean, that just stands to reason. Right?
Re: Can I rename old donor PCs?
As I said in a PM "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"
Posting FAH's log:
How to provide enough info to get helpful support.
How to provide enough info to get helpful support.