Cancer, healthy and normal cells are it really?

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Cancer, healthy and normal cells are it really?

Post by Zarck »

Cancer, healthy and normal cells are it really?
When an organism undergoes an attack, two phenomena can occur, some of the cells go into "immortal" mode and duplicate in an anarchic way and this gives a tumor or "cancer", but the other cells called "healthy" are " Normal ", apparently they are, but in reality they go into" cell death "mode and this is mainly that kills the person with cancer, more than the" anarchic "cells.
Is it not possible to study these "healthy" cells, and reverse the two processes by forcing "immortal" cells to go into "cell death" mode, and forcing the so-called "healthy" cells to pass from "Cell death" mode to truly healthy mode?
Yours; @ + *_*

Cancer, les cellules saines et normales le sont elles vraiment ?
Lorsque un organisme subit une agression, deux phénomènes peuvent se produire, une partie des cellules passent en mode "immortelle" et se dupliquent de façon anarchique et cela donne une tumeur ou "cancer", mais les autres cellules dites "saines" sont elles "normales ?", apparement elles le sont, mais en réalité elles se mettent en mode "mort cellulaire" et c'est cela principalement qui tue la personne atteinte d'un cancer, plus que les cellules "anarchiques".
N'est il pas possible d'étudier ces cellules soit disant "saines", et inverser les deux processus en forçant les cellules "immortelles" à passer en mode "mort cellulaire", et forcer les cellules soient disant "saines" à passer du mode "mort cellulaire" au mode réellement sain ?
Bien à vous; @+ *_*
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Re: Cancer, healthy and normal cells are it really?

Post by FAMAS »

that studying is ongoing. in wikipedia, articles on cancer and cure for cancer contains the data on current progress regarding shutting down cancer at cellular level.
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