School install

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Holy Vengeance
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School install

Post by Holy Vengeance »

I'm trying to get my upper school to install Folding@Home onto the school network computers, however, in order for it to work at it's optimum, it needs to be able to run at the logon screen, before the user has logged on. I was wondering if there is a way to have Folding@Home open and run automatically as soon as a computer is turned on without needing to logon. I'd be very grateful if you would help me or provide me with some advice as to this matter.

Thank you very much everyone.
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Re: School install

Post by bruce »

Yes, that is possible as long as we're talking about CPU folding and as long as the power-saving settings do not shut down the program.

Assuming Windows, it's not possible to use the GPU.

Do you have (written) permission from the school?
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Re: School install

Post by JimboPalmer »

The buzzword for folding before the User is signed on (in Windows) is 'run as a service', due to modern protections for bad drivers, it is not possible to do GPU folding as a service. CPU folding is just fine.

And do get it in writing that you have permission to fold.
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