Will you be adding "make install" capabilities? It's rather inconvienent to have each and every user install their own copy.
Sidenote -- I usually expect programs to install into /usr/bin, not /usr/sbin
Otherwise it looks good!
Ivoshiee wrote:[ivo@ragana foldwatcher-0.1.0]$ make
make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++/qmake.conf', needed by `Makefile'. Stop.
[ivo@ragana foldwatcher-0.1.0]$
Run "qmake" before running make
That would seem to be a distro-specific problem. I'm using Ubuntu which by the looks of the OP's screenshot is the same distro he's using.
True. FoldWatcher was tested on 32- and 64-bit Ubuntu distros... I really don't think it's a matter of distro... Something tells me that it's still screen resolution that matters...
Has anybody tested it on a typical laptop screen (1280x800).???I suppose - if it works correctly there - It MUST be a resolution issue which I' ll try to figure out... Please let me know...
1680x1050 is working on Arch Linux (after the workaround) -- It is a distro-specific issue. Running "qmake" before "make" should solve all of the issues. This is because different distros install different parts of qt in different places.
Also -- Is there a way to download wus_list.dat from within the program?